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Everything posted by Aerophonics

  1. Aerophonics

    Keep getting stuck on Panthera servers

    There is some kind of issue but I have no idea what it is. I too have not been able to play panthera. Have been searching for dayz but no one seems to have a solution.
  2. Aerophonics

    Saving tents and vehicle issues

    To the people replying it might have been stolen, our case has been we are standing in our camp site vehicles saved, server restarts, we all log back in immediately and helicopter/ ural are gone. very saddening to say the least
  3. Aerophonics

    Car & Heli disappeared after reboot

    I can handle hackers but not being able to keep vehicles is killing me
  4. Aerophonics

    Vehicle and Tent Saving

    tents have worked fine for our group up until this point , but now all of our tents are gone on all servers. If we get a heli, it resets on spawn, and any other vehicle just transforms eats gear and is broken
  5. he tries to help answer your question and you cock gobbling autistic numb nuts flame him? thank you for shitting up the community more
  6. Aerophonics

    Which survivor is the legit survivor?

    This was happening to me last week after the patch, After playing both on different days I ended up getting killed in cherno on my 2nd character. I then spawned as my 1st character up in novy sobor o_O while being on the same server. Was pretty happy that i had all my loot
  7. Aerophonics

    More than one character?

    I two am having this problem, I have Arma 2 and OA. Not really sure whats causing it, hope it is brought to attention
  8. Aerophonics

    Going far up north, whats the point?

    Fear is for the winter, my little lord, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides its face for years at a time, and little children are born and live and die all in darkness while the direwolves grow gaunt and hungry, and the white walkers move through the woods” The north isn't for all.
  9. Aerophonics

    COMING SOON: Six Launcher Replacement

    looks legit, can't wait to install
  10. Aerophonics

    n-sec 'logout-timer' + n-sec 'login-freeze'

    I like these ideas much more than the other threads I have read. Butthurt bandits saying to make it 3 min log out and you can't log on to another server for 7 min is just ridiculous. Nothing useful to add just like your ideas/ bumpin
  11. Aerophonics

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    lol@ the people who care so much about what other people do that your going to make it take 7 min to switch server, how ridiculous
  12. I was just thinking about posting that video until I saw your comment >_<
  13. Aerophonics


    This is the most unsatisfying read on the forums I have seen yet. Only been playing for a week and a couple of days, really don't understand how people don't get the hang of it. Advice would be to head to cherno or electro when you spawn, no supplies = no reason to fret over dying and you will find supplies fast in both cities. To avoid zombies crouch and hold shift so you walk or double tap it so it keeps you walking.
  14. Aerophonics

    variety of loot

    no it doesn't effect the loot, sometimes your just unlucky :(