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Posts posted by Drakargh

  1. OMFG shut up and learn to adjust your gamma' date=' and DVR. If you still can't wrap your head around how someone could POSSIBLY play at night after that then just go slam your head in a car door or something.

    you also don't need hacks to teleport. If someone sees you all they have to do is switch servers and go behind where they saw you then log back in to the server you are on. 9/10 times you are still looking at where you saw them last, and abracadabra they have "teleported" behind you.

    The hacks that truly have me worried are the ones that put visible hit boxes around players, tents, and vehicles with the character names and ranges on them. That and aimbots.


    If everyone had a dollar for every neckbeard like you who rocks up to a thread and throws their (extensive) weight around telling people to get hardcore like you.

    Perhaps if you had even an elementary understanding of what the topic at hand is you'd realise we're just trying to find out if the situation is a coincidence or if hacks ARE involved - And by whom.

    It's a fucking simple situation turned difficult because of idiots complicating it.

    Go pour white paint on your monitor so you can see in the dark, and drink some while you're at it.

  2. Drakagh' date=' believe me, i had a base on the west edge and i spent some time today transferring it across to the east. Truth.

    If i had found your ATV i would have taken it. Also truth. Why would I lie?


    If you can please recount your events from the time you logged in, maybe they are two different ATVs?

    Like did you log on AT the ATV you got shot off? Was it in the open or under a tree, were you in a forest or a field or what?

    Hopefully we can find the hacker if we narrow all this down. Sorry for the accusation mate!

  3. I've had an ATv on that server for 3 days' date=' I'd just started to migrate it to the east coast.

    The fact that you lost your ATV is a coincidence. It definitely was my ATV had it for ages.

    Your accusations are very suspect. I was driving with the lights on. No NVGs, i dont seem to be able to hold a pair of NVGs for more than a day or two.

    You are barking up the wrong tree here. If you must know i was north of the Guba inlet.

    It doesn't matter to me anymore, I am convinced that US 131 is rife with hackers. I'm not going back unless it's with the team, maybe even not then.

    As far as Syntraxx killing me, as far as i'm concerned, i was shot at constantly for about 3 mins. I would have guessed the first rounds were from a M4 SD then later by MP5SD. I was going in one direction but zig zagging.

    Syntraxx is suspect.

    EDIT: for spelling and grammar (such as it is)


    That ATV wasn't even in that location until about 1hr before you were driving it. It wasn't there yesterday, or the day before.

    I don't know who to believe anymore.

  4. Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset' date=' had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it.

    I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine.

    When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV.

    What gives? What's the story?


    Don't know how to disconnect when you go AFK? You weren't even at your computer to see yourself die, why would you start throwing accusations at someone? Vehicles get jacked all the time, hide them better.

    ATV was perfectly hidden amongst trees. OP didn't have nightvision goggles as of his own admission - Not being able to see who shot him. How did he find an ATV in pitch darkness with a flashlight on the edge of the map right after server restarted when he wasn't there before?

    Something sketchy going on here.

  5. Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset, had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it.

    I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine.

    When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV.

    What gives? What's the story?

  6. I think the teleporting hack is becoming fairly common.... frustrating my teams efforts to get anywhere on the servers if people are just porting willie nilly.

    This is not the first time I have seen someone teleport on US 131 as well.

    Wasn't your team on the server with you? How many people does the ATV hold? Please answer my questions I need to know =(

  7. What the fuck? Sick of seeing these threads. DCing in combat breaks the Persistant World concept of DayZ. Let us take a moment to accept two ACTUAL facts.

    1) Arma 2 is a Combat Simulator

    2) DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse/Survival Simulator

    Cool? Kk. Simulator, take some time to read up on what that means if you aren't 100% certain. Now let's run over some scenarios.

    Zombies kill you. Would happen

    People shoot you. Would happen

    Someone follows you and steals your can of beans out of your pack. Would happen

    You magically disappear and zombies disappear, you reappear seconds later and they do not. What the fuck?

    Someone shoots at you and you magically disappear, leaving them wondering what kind of Wizard you are.

    Rocket works hard to provide a REALISTIC, IMMERSIVE MOTHER FUCKING SIMULATOR of a zombie apocalypse and it seems like a myriad of retards can't understand that. Next time you want to suggest some dumbass shit think about whether it's actually intended or not.

  8. This thread = bunch of mad bads who can't land killshots.

    And @_Profile_Shame your persistent bodies idea is fucking terrible and would completely ruin the game.

    Wanna know the solution to killing people who disconnect? Actually kill them before they hop.

    Here's a bigger problem' date=' how about we actually think about fixing people who hop to your server and kill you? That's much more of a problem that I have than people disconnecting before I kill them. I don't really care if they do and consider it a victory anyways.

    And to clarify, I don't really care if something is done to prevent it. But death is a completely dumbfuck solution and just makes people get fucked for no reason. And no, I can't offer a solution to it. But I'm not gonna offer some stupid solution that only makes more problems that need to be solved later.

    Try actual solutions instead of stopgaps that just make problems


    ^ Combat logger. You're right, everyone should 1 shot kill eachother otherwise you deserve to be cheated out of a kill and the subsequent loot.

    Come back when you have something constructive to say other than "Fuk dats a dumbfuk fuk fufk stupid idea"

  9. Every hit from zombies/bullets should apply shock. Logging off with shock = death (The body drops where it was standing). Unless the body remains after disconnect is actually working' date=' this would be the best route.

    On a side note: you should log in unconcious for 5-10 seconds, which would prevent server hoppers spawning in behind you and unloading. Also, when you join a server, you're locked to that server (character can't load in any other server) until 5-15 minutes later.

    "Oh a survival game, I know how to survive everything. Let me just bind every button on my keyboard to abort."

    Sick of killing people, having them abort and the body sinking in to the ground, or firing at them and them just logging off.


    ^ All of this, I've missed out on 4 kills today due to people logging in and out during combat. It's pathetic, this is a survival game and of course people found a way to turn it into CareB mod for ArmaII by binding their entire keyboard to ALT+F4.
