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Everything posted by Drakargh

  1. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    How are you so sure? Why are you so defensive? You're not making a very good case for yourself here.
  2. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    I'm so confused. So he DIDN'T have night vision but he found my vehicle in the dark? Sick of dying to hackers in this game. It's hard to recommend anyone to a game where you just get cheated every time you get ahead.
  3. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    ATV was perfectly hidden amongst trees. OP didn't have nightvision goggles as of his own admission - Not being able to see who shot him. How did he find an ATV in pitch darkness with a flashlight on the edge of the map right after server restarted when he wasn't there before? Something sketchy going on here.
  4. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    Just like you I logged into the server shortly after it reset, had died BEFORE the reset while I was AFK in MY camp. Which happens to have had an ATV in it. I'm asking because you say "my atv" when that location says you were on mine. When/how did you find it? Did you have night vision goggles, walking around in the woods in pitch darkness? It seems a bit suspicious that immediately after a server reset you're in the location of my camp where I was killed and say you were driving on my ATV. What gives? What's the story?
  5. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    Wasn't your team on the server with you? How many people does the ATV hold? Please answer my questions I need to know =(
  6. Drakargh

    Do teleporting hacks exist? US 131

    What were you doing in the forest with an ATV? How can you possibly navigate at night - Oh, you're one of those fancy people with Night vision goggles? How did you find the ATV? I can't seem to find one on my server. I've heard of Teleporter hacks but never seen them
  7. Drakargh

    Bandit catering?

    What the fuck? Sick of seeing these threads. DCing in combat breaks the Persistant World concept of DayZ. Let us take a moment to accept two ACTUAL facts. 1) Arma 2 is a Combat Simulator 2) DayZ is a Zombie Apocalypse/Survival Simulator Cool? Kk. Simulator, take some time to read up on what that means if you aren't 100% certain. Now let's run over some scenarios. Zombies kill you. Would happen People shoot you. Would happen Someone follows you and steals your can of beans out of your pack. Would happen You magically disappear and zombies disappear, you reappear seconds later and they do not. What the fuck? Someone shoots at you and you magically disappear, leaving them wondering what kind of Wizard you are. Rocket works hard to provide a REALISTIC, IMMERSIVE MOTHER FUCKING SIMULATOR of a zombie apocalypse and it seems like a myriad of retards can't understand that. Next time you want to suggest some dumbass shit think about whether it's actually intended or not.