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Everything posted by giiwedin@live.com

  1. giiwedin@live.com


    if your using dayz commander check and make sure that your Arma2 - Arma2 OA - DayZ directorys are set to where the actual files are in your settings, example #1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 2 if they are set to the right location then i would just try deleting all arma 2 and arma 2 oa files in your computer besides uninstalling also delete dayz commander if you want and make sure to delete the files it leave in your computer once you do uninstall it - then try a reinstall of all.
  2. giiwedin@live.com

    DayZ Commander Problems

    I have never heard of this dilema, hardware issues maybe?
  3. so ya for some reason now today when i play when i scroll with my mouse wheel and hit it in to do any action in the game and it wont let me switch guns open doors... donno wth is going on with it like i said this just randomly started happening and i also went to controls and hit default and stilll nothing, if anyone knows how to fix this i would be greatly appreciative!
  4. giiwedin@live.com

    banned from server us 2830 for flying a helicopter?

    In all honesty im pretty sure that was a hackers helicopter he had spawned in at one point, and once you crashed it, it kicked you.
  5. giiwedin@live.com

    Re-add the AS50 TWS?

    if you add the thermal .50 cal you will all be in for a treat, the treat being shot from a distance through tree's. The .50 aws in my opinion would ruing the game, on the other hand hackers/scripters use the hell out of that so it could even up the odds? I still vote no tho lol ;)
  6. giiwedin@live.com

    Addon 'dayz_anim' requires addon 'CA_Missions_BAF_2'

    so what needs to be downloaded from that link to make this go away? running none steam version and i get this when i click and join a server i hit ok and it goes away and can play fine, just annoying whenever i join a server or have to rejoin :\
  7. giiwedin@live.com

    Arma 3 engine does not support windows xp

    lol dammmmnnnn! did not know xp was even still around :S
  8. life sucks, if you can join other servers just take the bann, no biggie. It's life move on ;)
  9. giiwedin@live.com

    US20 assholes

    damn, def a dick.
  10. giiwedin@live.com

    FN P90 added to the game

    would be nice to see some new guns ;]
  11. giiwedin@live.com

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

  12. giiwedin@live.com

    lol damn..

    So last night i find a working helicopter and well was my first time flying, did awesome but.. cant land haha ended up crashing hard and the weird thing is i survived the crash!? only thing that happened is it made me bleed..weird. :D
  13. giiwedin@live.com

    Character customization

    doubt it, im sure someone would have posted a thread about it already if it were an issue..
  14. giiwedin@live.com

    Is Camo Clothing still bugged?

    probably wanna drop your back pack to be safe before you equip, my brother couple hours ago after dieing gets camo and has not once had this bug and then boom lol backpack gone ;)
  15. giiwedin@live.com

    Silly hackers :D

    weapon on one dudes back pretty sure is a scar.. def not in dayz.
  16. giiwedin@live.com

    Silly hackers :D

    LOL def a fail.
  17. giiwedin@live.com

    How my friend broke his leg at NW Airfield...

    lol damnnnn, that is some bs..
  18. giiwedin@live.com

    Idea my Girl had for Cars\Trucks

    Not going to lie.. she had me thinking after she had mentioned this. Sitting there smoking and she say's to me, " why don't they make it so you can take the keys out of the truck\car you have or found? " not going to lie I think its kinda a good idea, basically would stop people from stealing cars lol or I suppose if you made it so you needed a toolbox to hotwire it, :P what do you guys think?
  19. giiwedin@live.com

    Idea my Girl had for Cars\Trucks

  20. giiwedin@live.com

    You meet some weird people in DayZ!

    hahaha this is great.
  21. giiwedin@live.com

    how can i

    print out map then have your buddy's meet you somewhere, if your on noob status i would not go to elektro or cherno, even tho elektro is a common spawn it is not safe :( and by the way pretty much everyone on this game is going to shoot you people are too paranoid. There is a reason people are paranoid too tho lol because this same shit that is happening to you happens to them. Also gear spawns in loot-able buildings all over.
  22. giiwedin@live.com

    Banned for no reason

    yea sounds like a server ban then :( honestly me and my brother got banned from #LOTC servers for no reason, well iv asked the kid and he wont man up and msg me back a reason, def some bs tho, i feel ya on this one man..