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Everything posted by pillboxphil

  1. pillboxphil

    +++ Looking for a Few Serious Partners! +++

    Hey, im in alaska too (juneau). added you on steam
  2. Steam name: Nack the Weasel Location: Alaska Age: 24 Mic: Yes Just started playing Day Z yesterday, been havin a lot of fun. But its obvious that teamwork is required to get anywhere in this game, and I've already been murdered twice. I've yet to fire on another player.
  3. pillboxphil

    Looking for a Group/Squad

    this is my second day playing dayz, died lots so far XD. really need people to play with for this one, just not a very good game for going solo. Anyways, im 24 and in Alaska. new to dayz, but not shooters. and i can promise not to get you killed XD. Steam name is Nack the Weasel, add if you still need more people