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Frozen (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Frozen (DayZ)

  1. Frozen (DayZ)

    Dayz 1.7.3 Suggestion - Vehicle Reset

    vehicles hoarded at camps rarely used as transport. their main purpose in this case is mobile storage. even if they degrade while just standing(it takes shitloads of time IRL) it wont be an issue, reducing vehicle storage capability(i know i not so realistic) might force people actually to use them as a transport, instead of just storage.
  2. Frozen (DayZ)

    Teasing Zombie Hoard Killing them with M16

    the resolution of this video gave me aids
  3. Frozen (DayZ)

    Re-Zero'ing A Sniper Rifle Should Include Animation

    well since scopes in this game allow you to zero with interval of 100m, i believe, the scope was already zeroed to certain amounts of positions, and thats why its so easy to zero it. and it seems to be fine BUT there should be no info about zeroing on the HUD. there should be an option to check zeroing which after 1-3 sec(depending on weapons weight, would be actual really nice to have animation for it) will show zeroing on your scope.
  4. Frozen (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Ammo system

    1. some weapons can use magazines that made for another guns 2. dont see any reson to punish that, because the ammo without magazine takes a bit less volume as i with it. also if ammo and magazines will become separate, i want to see option to load 1 cartridge directly into chamber. this changes will make guns that has nondetachable magazines(cz 550, revolver, remington etc) more desirable
  5. Frozen (DayZ)

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    judging how OP gun by damage? you must think that rocket launcher is the most op weapon in the game.... damage doesnt make weapon OP, 0 skill requirements make weapon OP.
  6. Frozen (DayZ)

    Remove the AS50/M107?

    if you have AMR, there is no other use for it other then kill "some random guy". while duping is in the town(scripting is just impossible to deal with, unless BIS will release some hotfix) the gun will be common, and there is no simple fix about it. so removing them temporary till duping will be fixed(not until standalone lol) is the only option around to balance things up. AMR`s currently overpowered, because there is none of their drawbacks are in the game. people crying that that using AMR`s is the only way to kill people, because of alt+f4, its not excuse either. alt+f4 is the other engine`s issue, that simply cant be dealt with(thread was started in MAY, but still no fix) and hive system makes it even worse. farming them via server hoping wont ever be fixed, because of whole concept of hive and it sux hard.
  7. Frozen (DayZ)

    More Ammo Conversion!

    so it doesnt bother you that these guns fire different caliber cartridges? i say no to ammo conversion, but say yes to magazine conversion. the only possible variants that are missing: 1 FN FAL to DMR 2 AS 50 to M107 3 M240 to FN FAL and DMR 4 M240 to STANAG
  8. Frozen (DayZ)

    Epic Player Killing Montage 3

    3:15 - nutshot. that`s probably the only good moment.
  9. Frozen (DayZ)

    Starting Location Dynamics

    current spawn system is fine, but there should be more spawn points on the east coast, especially there should be spawn somewhere at berezino, as opposite to spawns in cherno and elektro
  10. Frozen (DayZ)

    Crawling when starving

    since dayz features full day/night cycle, in order to starve so much that the only possible way to move is crawling, you have to starve for ~5-7 days. only few people live that long, and food is everywhere. so its will be a useless feature, that none will ever see working.
  11. Frozen (DayZ)

    Implement SMK CG Animations to DayZ.

    while integrating is not an option(yet?) mixing mods by 3rd party can be done :)
  12. Frozen (DayZ)

    Dayz mix with arma2 online

    wont ruin, but will alter it.
  13. Frozen (DayZ)

    Simple hacking solution

    vac wont do shit, because scripting is NOT RESTRICTED by the arma 2 itself. its like crying that you`ve got killed in elektro - we are all know that its bad, but its not restricted.
  14. Frozen (DayZ)

    zombies shoud have more realistic loot

    that`s a good idea, though chances should be low, because zombies tend to loose stuff that they had in previous life. and thats why its very unlikely that military zombies would carry a smg on a sling.also there is a chance that civil zombies would carry a knife and pistol. but chances that zombies would carry useful tool should be rare, because scavenging is important aspect of the game, and altering it with zombie grinding using a hatchet, is kinda lame game design.
  15. its all beans poisoning. OP. you know that this mechanic is already implemented - it`s called boredom.
  16. Frozen (DayZ)

    Please. Please. PLEASE reinstate kill display.

    if players are using scripts, its shown in logs? why no just post this line into global chat, so people could know about hackers on server?
  17. Frozen (DayZ)

    Bring back the side channel

    and if server doesnt have nametags enabled, good luck finding who is talking in side chat
  18. Frozen (DayZ)

    Failed weapon nerf.

    after messing with patches, i`ve noticed that recent weapon nerf, can be avoided by not installing 1.62 patch. does this engine fail makes me hacker?
  19. Frozen (DayZ)

    Failed weapon nerf.

    the are few reasons for that: 1 this was only tested inside DayZ mod, and i`m not sure how this affects original game 2 highly doubt this issue will be addressed(to complete change of policy about beta patches and file check) 3 i dont care about arma itself if you are able to report - feel free to do so. people who simply ignored/dont know about 1.62 patch, have same advantage as me. would you call them exploiters?
  20. Frozen (DayZ)

    Failed weapon nerf.

    pretty much yes. its like hacking - the more attention it has the higher chances that it will be fixed. other engines simply dont allows user to do this or have files consistency check, and such thing only allowed on certain server. this wont be fixed in current version of engine(why bother if arma 3 will be soon?), but i hope rocket will add some restriction to file change in standalone.
  21. Frozen (DayZ)

    Failed weapon nerf.

    if they will change files that responsible for weapon damage in beta patch(i highly doubt they will), i`ll still be able to replace them with old ones, manually(if i wont be lazy to dig and do it). and its all because this files has nothing to do with games version and devs are to lazy to add file consistency check for mandatory game files.
  22. Frozen (DayZ)

    Bring back the old weapon balance

    my source is the same. the gameplay is centered around the combat through first person prospective( its kinda pain in the ass to use third person for shooting because of bad implementation) as side feature there is a survival aspect of the game, but currently its not core gameplay mechanic, and only standalone might change something.
  23. Frozen (DayZ)

    Bring back the old weapon balance

    i have "my own" damage values right now, lol.
  24. Frozen (DayZ)

    Bring back the old weapon balance

    game dont become a fps depending of community`s gamestyle, its how developers made a view in a game. you can read about fps genre on wiki, so i wouldnt bother myself for further explanation :)
  25. Frozen (DayZ)

    Bring back the old weapon balance

    nope its BOTH.