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Dew (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Dew (DayZ)

  1. I assume your ingame name is "Dom". You where banned due to excessive language and constant spamming of the (voice) chat.

    We decided to enable the side-chat to keep a certain part of player interaction we found fitting to the community of our server. (For example; meeting up with other players and helping out the newer ones). Your accusations of hacked gear and "z aggro turned down" (which isn't even possible to modify) are just plain childish and I'm happy we removed you from our great community.

    Kind regards & enjoy your perma-ban,


    • Like 1

  2. Basically the same happened to us as happened to Meta. All our vehicle's are completely empty after the server was patched up to the latest patch. We also lost some minor (and major) loot that was spread over;

    - A bus

    - 2 lada's

    - 2 red cars

    - A pickup

    - Camo Uaz

    - The landrover

    We are a 100% positive that it wasn't stolen as the cars where spread over multiple locations and in there was nothing missing from any tents.

  3. He said pirated doesn't work (he tried for hours)' date=' so i think its ok... But atleast a install, starting guide of some sort, that has all the above guide have would be nice


    For now I uploaded the "sheet/picture" one but I intend on converting it to an actual html page.

  4. Little cheap there' date=' don't you think? :/


    Yeah. I considered a full website but decided to keep it as "basic" as possible. The reason for this is traffic and load cost. The website is currently hosted on a basic server and I don't want to be it as slow as the dayz main website.

    I want it to be simple and accessible and imho I accomplished that but your feedback is always welcome!

  5. _____________________________________________________

    http://www.dayzmod.info/ Is back up on a brand-new server!

    If you have problems visiting it; Refresh the page once. This should reset the DNS


    Heya everyone,

    I'd like to inform you about one of my recent "side projects" I have been working on.


    It's a basic website in which I'm gathering all maps, tutorial and general knowledge I ran across here on the forums and other websites and combining them into one big compilation for easy usage. It is far from done and currently only has some basic info on it. I do not wish to infringe any copyright so if I used something that is yours please let me know so I can correctly credit you!

    Also, if you guys have anything to contribute I would gladly receive it at contact@dayzmod.info or just in in this forum post.

    Happy surviving!
