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Dew (DayZ)

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About Dew (DayZ)

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  1. I assume your ingame name is "Dom". You where banned due to excessive language and constant spamming of the (voice) chat. We decided to enable the side-chat to keep a certain part of player interaction we found fitting to the community of our server. (For example; meeting up with other players and helping out the newer ones). Your accusations of hacked gear and "z aggro turned down" (which isn't even possible to modify) are just plain childish and I'm happy we removed you from our great community. Kind regards & enjoy your perma-ban, Dew
  2. Dew (DayZ)

    Car gear gone

    Basically the same happened to us as happened to Meta. All our vehicle's are completely empty after the server was patched up to the latest patch. We also lost some minor (and major) loot that was spread over; - A bus - 2 lada's - 2 red cars - A pickup - Camo Uaz - The landrover We are a 100% positive that it wasn't stolen as the cars where spread over multiple locations and in there was nothing missing from any tents.
  3. Dew (DayZ)

    Car gear gone

    No one experiencing the same thing? (also to clarify: Some car's where parked on another part of the map so it wasn't stolen)
  4. Dew (DayZ)

    Car gear gone

    It seems that in all our cars (Jeeps, bus, pickup trucks) the entire inventory has disappeared. We have tried restarting the server but that didn't fix it.
  5. Dew (DayZ)

    Help with multiple players in the same house

    Me and my twin brother also play from the same IP-address and same server without any problems. Are you guys playing on the same game-code?
  6. Dew (DayZ)


    Should be working now. Also updated maps
  7. Dew (DayZ)


    Sorry for the long-wait, had to transfer the domain to a new host. Everything should be fine now!
  8. Dew (DayZ)


    website will be up in 10~20min
  9. Dew (DayZ)


    Dammit, server ran out of traffic too fast for me to move some stuff. Will try to get it up as soon as possible
  10. Dew (DayZ)

    Tents & Vehicles General

    Heya Tygrys, I posted your tutorial on my website http://www.dayzmod.info/ with full credit. I hope this is ok?
  11. Dew (DayZ)


    Thank you, I will add it today!
  12. Dew (DayZ)


    No one is forcing you to use to website. For example; every game has walktroughs, cheats, full information pages. You yourselves decide how you wan't to experience your game.
  13. Dew (DayZ)


    thank you (: