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About sticky

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    Helicopter Hunter

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    Callsign: "Sticky" find me on YouTube/StickyNinjaz, same on Steam, Twitter etc. I make gaming videos, am new to Day Z and looking to co-op in the apocalypse.
  1. Way to do away with the direct download, some of us don't like installing bloatware like six launcher OR torrent programs. >:( By chance does anybody want to upload the files to mediafire or something?
  2. * Server this happened on. DayZ - US #500 Spencers DayZ Server * Time that it happened including your timezone. Aprox 10pm EST * What happened during the incident. Everyone teleported to a city and began shooting each other, hacker had godmode. I was recording during the incident, but I don't know what good uploading it would do, as far as I can tell there is no proof in the video of who the hacker is. This was also the first time I ever attempted Alt-F4ing, but either I hit the wrong button or hackers have found a way to disable DC during combat (in which case why haven't the developers implemented it?). EDIT: I figured it wouldn't hurt to upload the video, maybe there is something I'm not seeing that can be used to ban this scumbag. http://youtu.be/l1p-1M2oYZE
  3. What do you guys think about publicly setting up tents near the coast for survivors to pick up supplies? My idea is to put a few tents somewhere between Cherno and Elektro and keep them stocked with food, drinks, medical supplies and gear, for anyone in need of supplies. I wouldn't stock weapons and the supplies would be free (with a request that people only take what they need). This is just an idea I've been mulling over since small-town raids and living off the land up north is getting a bit boring (even after respawning and making the trek north all over again). The logistics are no small task, I would need volunteers and/or donations. there are security issues to work out too, surely the lack of weapons will not deter every bandit, but I don't want it to be a place with guards posted and shoot on sight orders are given at the first sign of conflict, perhaps an Anti-Bandit Clan could lend it's services if and when the bandit situation gets out of hand. Let me know what you think of the idea and if you'd like to volunteer (donation requests will begin if this gets off the ground).
  4. I can dig all of that except collecting rainwater, have you ever tried it? It's not really practical without a tarp. Edit: Also, blades should be reparable with a sharpening stone or grinding wheel, and as LatinGeek said, take longer to cut things when they are dull.
  5. sticky

    Mini-foods and drinks.

    Also Twix, you can share it and raise your hunger halfway... :P
  6. sticky

    Arma2 DLC related to DayZ?

    Well I already dropped the $6 for PMC, I was just wondering if there was any (DayZ related) reason to pick up BAF or something else. I can afford the standalone if/when it's released, until then I'll have hi-res player models.
  7. Hi, I know Private Military Company adds hi-res player models to this mod, does any of the other DLC offer anything else for DayZ? I ask because in the Steam Summer Sale the discount for all Arma2 products went up from 20% to 40% today, in case anyone didn't know (I'm kinda surprised I didn't see a thread about this).
  8. sticky

    Any tips?

    As a newbie your biggest concern should be zombies, spend your first few lives learning to evade and lose zombies. Once you get a feel for zombie behavior focus on loot, use a loot map if you wish, but figuring out the places with the best (low-to-mid level) supplies is fairly simple. Then you can worry about other players, how you want to handle them is your choice.
  9. sticky

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    Does it bother you that much?
  10. Agreed, if I can sling a rifle to equip my pistol, why can't I sling a rifle to equip my hatchet? Also we should be able to hold a flashlight in one hand and pistol in the other, it should decrease accuracy but provide an option for night combat without a G17 or Remington (or NVGs).
  11. sticky

    after you get murdered......

    Nope, not at all. If I'm well equipped up north, I feel a little disappointed in myself for letting my guard down, however I silently congratulate the bandit on a job well done and move on. If I get shot on the coast with only a crowbar or makarov, I rage quit DayZ for a few hours, smoke a cigarette if I have one then go on the forums and whine about rampant banditry for sport.
  12. I applaud your effort, but you probably wont suceed: Reason 1: Bandit clans will attack you, being a well known anti-bandit clan is likely to make your home server more violent (This is what I'm witnessing playing on CQF servers). Reason 2: Killing bandits wont make them abandon banditry, you will simply slow them down as they have to respawn and find another Enfield before they can continue slaying. Reason 3: Say a new player panics and fires off a shot at the well armed group of survivors approaching him, you kill him since he shot first, now someone in your crew has a murder, and the new player has decided to never trust anyone. Bandit hunting is not the solution to rampant banditry. Organize a peaceful protest, setup a survivor aid center, assist new players and offer medical services, then maybe you could start to change people's mind on player killing for sport.
  13. sticky

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    The thing is I'm looking for random player encounters, particularly of the non-shooting kind. If I wanted to group up I have about 10 friends on Skype that play DayZ, there is almost always at least 1 or 2 playing. But I'm just looking for a place where the ratio of good guys to bandits isn't so lopsided.What I'm asking is if the NW airfield is CQF controlled turf or just another hotzone? Last night I hit some deerstands and towns in the north without any player encounters, I still have not found definitive proof (aside from going through Stary Sobor yesterday without being shot) that these servers are less hostile than any other. Over the past few days I've seen a lot of CQF tags in the death notifications, out of curiosity is this due to aggressively pursuing bandits or are you guys just an easy target for anyone with a sniper rifle?
  14. I like it, I do think it could be simplified into a Sanity Meter: players start at 100 sanity, every murder subtracts 5 sanity, every hour spent completely alone (no one in direct com distance) subtracts 1 sanity point*. Sanity points can be restored via teamwork, simply killing zombies within direct com distance of another player gives +1 sanity per zombie (I would suggest giving blood transfusions but that could be easily exploitable). This could slow the rampant popularity of PVP for sport while giving legit bandit groups a fairly easy opportunity to remain sane, also the slow decay of ones mind while totally alone in the zombie apocalypse would not be unrealistic and could help promote cooperation. *Note that a 30 second conversation is all that is needed to prevent the -1 sanity for a whole hour. At Sanity level 90: Players have a 0.1% chance of hallucinating footsteps, breathing or heartbeat. At 80: Players have a 0.3% chance of hallucinating distant gunfire, or zombie snarls. At 70: Players have a 0.5% chance of hallucinating voices, particularly accusations. At 60: Players have a 0.7% chance of hallucinating brief visuals, flashes of light/dark, human-shaped shadows, etc. At 50: Players have a 1.0% chance of hallucinating apparitions, players pointing weapons, or a player who's back is always facing you. At 10: Player vision is unstable, colors constantly change and pulse, focus sharpens and blurs, perspective warps, basically a bad trip. At 0: Player commits suicide (this is after 20 murders or 100 hours completely alone or a combination of the 2).
  15. sticky

    End Game - Things to make you group up.

    I'll tell you what will happen to this high-value city, it will be high-risk like the high-value locations we have right now, every overlooking hill and rooftop will have a sniper waiting for you to do the hard-work for him before putting a bullet in your head. If your goal is to encourage cooperation you need a better incentive, what you're referring to is no different than the NW airfield or military tents at Stary Sobor, it's a good chance to get some high-value loot if you can get past the zombies, and a good chance of getting shot on the way out. Not to mention the PVP'ers who don't even care about the loot and just come to the city because they know they will find someone to shoot. Speaking of PVP, how does this eternaly unconscious thing work when everybody wants me dead? Are they supposed to drag me out of the hotzone just to finish me off? As for addressing the DC'ing, ghosting, server hopping and stuff, why not fix the problem altogether instead of creating an area on the map where people can't cheat. That would be like Rocket saying "I support DC'ing and ghosting, just not in this city."