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Everything posted by brianrmg

  1. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    To quote someone earlier, it's not just about getting in and getting out. Its about creating a story. And, if I can make you feel this way in real life, it lets me know RMG is making a real difference. Thank you for this post, it motivates the RMG Team to be better and we look forward to helping more Survivors and creating more Stories.
  2. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    When asking for a medic, please provide your location. it really doesn't help to just say Hey I Need Help! If you can provide even a general area of where you are so a medic here knows if he/she is close to you and can respond to your request. Otherwise, you might not get the rescue you desperately need.
  3. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ^Not really Wazza... If the Rescue Mission is properly planned and executed, you can go a long time with out dying. I think some of the RMG Squad Members are up to Day 22 and they are face to face with dozens of Survivors each day. Just remember the 6 P's Piss Poor Planning Prevents Proper Performance
  4. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ive tried getting in contact with Faith, no luck. I am going to head over to help shemone now.
  5. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    The RMG Medical Team is on stand-by right now. If you need help, please PM me.
  6. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Did you get help yep? If not, let me know.
  7. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Anyone still needing help? RMG Medic Team is on stand-by atm.
  8. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    For those of you in need of medical assistance, Rated M Gaming has set up a site for you to request just that! Go visit them at www.RatedMGaming.com. Register and click on Request Medical Assistance link on the left of the page!
  9. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    RMG medics are currently on stand-by. Please let us know where you are and what you need. Fill out the RMA Form found here: www.ratedmgaming.com Cya Soon
  10. brianrmg

    Lost tents

    No1 knows. "where were going we dont need roads"
  11. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    Phew, all caught up. Server issues worked out in my favor I suppose.
  12. This made me laugh as well. What a turd.
  13. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am not sure if you are expecting someone to come in there, or what your circumstances are. I wont do it, alone anyway. The RMG Mobile Medical Task Force is currently on leave. If I were to come myself, you'd need to commando / ninja crawl your ass out of the market to a save haven in the woods.
  14. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    I know some of you have made RMAs this morning, at 2am my time.. I work nights and am on most of the day. So once I am able to connect and the servers come back online, Ill be taking care of ya.
  15. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    Thanks for all the kind words. We are currently on stand by... if your RMA has been lost or forgotten in the mix, please feel free to Skype me thirty_two_flavors and we can get started. If you have not filled out an RMA, please do so at www.RatedMGaming.com. PMS here are hardly checked because we get to many. Thanks again for your patience as we find you and get you back on your feet!
  16. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    Ive got your requests - and I am trying to freakign spawn.. IM not sure what is going on but I keep getting sniped and killed. Honestly, I dont care that I die, I just dont get why someone would sit on the shores and wait for new players to spawn and shoot them.. whats the point? I see your requests, and when my team gets online, ill dispatch them out and we can get you the help you need!
  17. brianrmg


    OMG - I am sorry man. You need to roll in a pack, eff this solo lone wolf shit - come hop on our vent tomorrow and see if you mesh well. I just lost all my backback medical supplies and the FN FAL i snagged and the m4a3 to a guy camping the field for someone like me crouch through it and snipe me with his silenced pos... But, that happens to me daily in my line of work.. i die to help you survive! Thank goodness for tents and a bad ass task force that replenishes it constantly just for that reason. I hate to say it - but shoot or be shot is the name of this game. And that's why I play unlike the other 99 percent - I am the 1 percent.
  18. brianrmg

    Request Medical Assistance from RMG

    You are too kind Hippy. Thanks for your patience and understanding with the form error after the domain switch. Glad we got ya all taken care of, and if you ever need anything, you know where to go and ask for help!
  19. on our way if you are still online just outside your position, where are you
  20. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    someone said there was another person around Devils Castle Deer Stand, if you are reading this, let me know you still need help, im in the area, with supplies. Otherwise, Im moving 8k meters away.
  21. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I just want to apologize for the time delays in helping you Survivors. I had no IDEA that it would blossom to the point it is now with these requests. If you have not received medical assistance yet, and you are ONLINE, please either PM me here on the RMG website. I have the next few hours dedicated to catching up.