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Everything posted by brianrmg

  1. brianrmg


    Rofl, plug for your employer much?
  2. brianrmg

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    When you pay a company nearly $400.00 and they don't deliver a product - yea, tends to "hurt my butt" where my pocket book resides. Bad business. What are you, twelve?
  3. brianrmg

    2 new maps Panthera ,Zargabad

    Young, Innocent, and Stupid. Vilayer is a joke. Vilayer is not the only host right now with those two maps, perhaps only ZargaBAD - but Panthera is better hosted by Survival Servers. Clearly you're trying to get server signups for your affiliate program. To bad you will never get much in terms of residual income. Buy from Vilayer; Expect To Be Disappointed. Vilayer: Home Of The Next Day Cancellation.
  4. brianrmg

    Panthera Host

    Looking for a host with Panthera ready. Prefer the servers to be located in the US. Also looking for someone / host who has the ability to provide custom loadouts per player on respawn. not a single default loadout for everyone.
  5. brianrmg

    Panthera Host

    No Providers yet? Throwing my money at the screen and nothing is happening
  6. brianrmg

    Setting up a private hive with vilayer?

    If you are using their dedicated services, you have access to change loadouts in the database itself, as well as what spawns where. Last I tried it still wasnt allowing anyone to spawn/create vehicles "exotic" to dayz, even with rmod installed. Changing the loadouts with ViLayers custom script isnt working, last I heard/tried.
  7. To be honest, I have players in Australia connecting to my Kansas City and Seattle servers under 350 ping, easily, all day. Worst thing that happens is their in-game voice stinks.. but if they get on ts3, they can play just the same as the rest of us locally.
  8. Ive used HFB and currently have a few servers on Vilayer. Both have their strong points and weaknesses. HFB was great when DayZ was fresh and simple with Official Chernarus. I wanted to get away from that and went with ViLayer in order to have those options. Otherwise, I would of stayed with HFB. ViLayer, in my opinion, got to big for their britches and now they cant catch up; despite the recent employees being added to the team. Overloaded their staff, their servers, their hive and their server racks. Instead of focusing on one thing and making it GREAT, and then moving onto the next; they put to much on their docket. Now instead of have a great system with a few great working "plugins" or "modules", they have a mess of things that are not working as they should. I purchased a dedicated server through ViLayer with being told by Lee it would be 12 hours to setup. It's been a week. So much is going on over there that everything else gets pushed back. Considering what I heard about them adding 13 more maps here soon, I can only imagine how much further down the Rabbit Hole they are willing to go before they find their way out and get back to basics, back when they were great.
  9. The problem is Vilayer. The solution is not using their hive, or server files.
  10. Are you allowing any vehicles to be created (spawned) and saved; even ones "exotic" to dayZ on your servers? Will a customer have access to change those whenever he wants? I see you let clients have access to the databases..
  11. brianrmg

    rMOD assistance

    If you are a server owner who has rMOD on and running with a few moments to spare so I can pick your brain on a few things, please let me know.
  12. brianrmg

    rMOD assistance

    Cant spawn in anything other than legit dayz vehicles/items. No hummers but an ikarus is fine.. no plains/helis other than UH1H_DZ. PBX will spawn, but no other custom boats.
  13. Anyone in need of medical assistance is more than welcome to come on our teamspeak and ask for it. The info is found on our site RMA forms are no longer required. Also now helping in Fallujah!
  14. Hey, Come visit Rated M Gaming and hit us up on teamspeak. Were always looking for a few good people to join our adventures.
  15. Problem has been resolved. Thank you to the 97ADU community for coming on TeamSpeak and working it out.
  16. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    You know what they say; It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a tool, then to open it and remove all doubt. RMG has been doing medical rescues before there was a TMW..when it was just a bunch of us whitelisted medics and organizations running around - and we still do rescues with people from the TMW group. Check your facts, or you just look like a tool.
  17. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    RMG's DTC is back! We now have several medics online at most times of the day. We are offering medical assistance on Chernarus, Lingor and Takistan. Public TeamSpeak for you to join with your friends. As always this service is free, and we look forward to getting you fixed up and moving forward! www.RatedMGaming.com/HelpMe (register to fill out the form)
  18. First off, thank you Dr. Wasteland. This has been a great experience for not only me, but the whole RMG DTC team. I am looking forward to working with you in the future. Been waiting for your response to a few PMs I have sent.. and emails.. If you read this, please get back to me. We are happy to announce we are just shy of 300 Survivors who have come to us and needed help! All but a few were successful rescues! This does not include the downtime of RMAs on our site where we come here and pick up more patients. The DTC team is expanding. We are currently looking for freelancers or one man hospitals to add to the RMA Mailing list. What does this mean? If you are on the Medic White List and not directly associated with TMW, we can set you up so you can help with the RMAs we are getting. Its super easy to accept, comment, assist, and close out. Ventrilo is open to all medics accepting the RMAs and microphones are required. Payments for your services include any supplies needed, backup, team game play, and just the fun and excitement of fighting the good fight. We also support, not recommend, solo medics, If that's your style. PM me if you're interested. Also, not to bust up the main "We Can Help" thread, but, I will be taking requests for assistance here as well. Lets keep the posts short, but informative. As usual, pms for assistance will be ignored deleted.
  19. brianrmg

    Rated M Gaming - DayZ Triage Center

    Just glad I could be of help!
  20. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    We will be shutting down the RMG RMA's through the weekend for maintenance; starting Friday night - PST. We are restructuring and making the site and RMA process more efficient. We are also going to be resuppling from the 1600 raids in the last few days. If you need help, please PM me and we can see what we can do. Or, please visit http://dayzmod.com/f...an-help/����and post a request there. Plenty of trusted medics on the list!
  21. brianrmg

    Rated M Gaming - DayZ Triage Center

    We will be shutting down the RMA's through the weekend for maintenance; starting Friday night - PST. We are restructuring and making the site and RMA process more efficient. We are also going to be resuppling from the 1600 raids in the last few days. If you need help, please PM me and we can see what we can do. Or, please visit http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/3910-need-medical-assistance-we-can-help/ and post a request there. Plenty of trusted medics on the list!
  22. brianrmg

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Available in Central. Hop on our vent or PM me.