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About Shadowbeing

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  1. Shadowbeing

    Survivors underpowered?

    Oh I'm sorry. Where did I say anything about you saying you suck? You inferred that I made an assumption' date=' which is a bit funny. Although I do admit I used the wrong choice of words, and I meant to say "Deal with it". But anyhow, let's get back to the topic at hand. Bandits/Hostile players shouldn't be punished. Why? This is a sandbox game. They have a right to play however they want, much like you have a right to do so yourself. You say bandits should have "Consequences". Well let's look at the opposite view of this. It's like bandits saying "Survivors shouldn't be allowed to use guns, because they could simply kill every zombie in the game with melee anyways. Being a survivor should have consequences", do you see how ridiculous that sounds? Obviously that's a bit extreme compared to whatever you would propose to bandits, but an exaggerated point to help get the point across. They have no right to complain about you, and vice versa. How about we let people have their own individual playstyle on a sandbox game, and not be punished for it? And before someone accuses me of being a bandit because I defend them, my character's roughly half a day old with only zombie kills under his belt, I just feel people should have fun however they want, even if it is by being a dick. [/quote'] True get back to topic at hand. Well I though of this game more as a zombie apocalypse simulator rather then just a sandbox game. I don't think its the same thing to say nerf survivors because bandits are survivors too technically. The only reason I brought this up in the first place is assuming this game is trying to be accurate to real life but the players are playing realistically. I guess as long as there a douchebags in real life they'll be in game as well.
  2. Shadowbeing

    Survivors underpowered?

    Yeah I know about all of this. I'm not a noob. I'm simply just stating something and giving an opinion. No need to start making false assumptions. What's with the last part? Really? Because I'm totally crying and acting like a child.
  3. I believe that although DayZ pretty much is going for realism, some benefit needs to be given to survivors or downside given to bandits. I think so because around 3/4 of people are bandits because it is so easy to kill someone and there being no consequences. I'm pretty sure in real life people would think at least three times before becoming a bandit because the consequences are drastically more severe and permanent. When the bandit skins were still around I think that was a pretty good deterent because it did make bandits second guess killing some because people would shoot on site bandits.
  4. Steam: Shadowbeing (Wolf in pic) IGN: Shadowbeing Mic: Of Course Location: US West Age: 18 It definitely would be awesome to have a bigger group then just the friends im with right now. We definitely could help by providing the cover fire and we can also do the vehicle hunting since we have the luck of finding them often.
  5. These all are truly valid points. Seeing this I guess there will always be people killing each other because they both have the exact same excuse. That if they kill first they won't die. PvP will always be a factor. I personally try to break the chain in a way. I could have killed who knows how many people by now but I prefer to help them or let them go by never knowing I was there. I do have a group of three in total and you guys definitely should send me a message if interested in teaming up. Guess someone's stance here clearly defines whether they are a survivor or a bandit.
  6. Seriously, once you start heading inland no one ever really chats and its pretty much shoot on site for everyone because no one bothers even calling friendly. Yet when everyone is on the coast people tend to band together but that friendliness seems to disappear the moment you cross an invisible line.
  7. Shadowbeing

    To the clan on LA 6 that is now missing a bus

    Okay then. Well this was a waste of time. All that happened was I wasted 30 min running back to get everything.
  8. Real nighttime in the wilderness is almost that dark besides the moonlight but there is no moon in Arma 2 therefore no light. And the darkness gives flares and lights a purpose and makes the game more interesting. If the game was playable at night what would the purpose of NVG's be?
  9. Shadowbeing

    To the clan on LA 6 that is now missing a bus

    Douche move man. That was me and my friends we never did anything to you *sad face*. What was the point anyway?