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About Zerafas

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zerafas

    Suppressed MK17 - hacked?

    I found this exact gun on a hacker a long time ago. Was laying down in the forest outside komorov waiting for a mate to arrive from Kamenka. I had an MA41 CCO at the time. All of a sudden i see a guy in a guillie suit stand up not 15 metres right in front of me. Scaring the crap out of me i popped a few clips into the back of him. He dropped before he could DC im sure, and he was a clan memeber of some kind (sorry i couldnt get photographs at the time, figured this guys was legit until i found what he had on him). I looted his body to find this gun, the best back pack, 17 clips for it, another quite rare gun with 5 mags, and pretty much every single piece of equipment in the game. Thinking at the time, "was this guy loot cycling for like 2 weeks to obtain all this?!?". My mate then met up with me and we checked out the rest of the crap together and split what we could. At the time ofcourse i had no idea if the gun was hacked or not. So i gave him my gun and ammo, and took the gun off the body plus what ever else i wanted only to get that inventory wiped clean bug after clicking something. Im like what? it must have either been hacked equipment if it just disappears or just an annoying bug. Other than that my mate and i ran off empty handed thinking "f#$&ing hacker".
  2. Too often i've seen zombies in towns instantly re-spawning after taking bullets to the head. With 2-3 other mates of mine, we fight off a small group of zombies, then a larger group comes, and alright fair enough we just aggro-ed the entire town, we'll just camp in this building and pick em off one by one. After that ofcourse, we find our selves facing another horde of about 20-30 zeds after clearing the first lot and think ok so they just respawned, great. Starting to get low on ammo popping theses zombies off one by one seems to bee creating a chain reaction of zombie spawns around the town and find that for every zombie we kill another 1 or 2 spawns instantly until we get swarmed from all angles by another load of 30 zeds. I'm talking small scale towns towards the middle-ish. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the number of people near-by, as it may being taking into account number of zombies according to number of players in area, or a respawn cycle for how many players are in the area. For example: 1 person in the area, clear town and no respawn after killing remaining zeds. 2 people in the area, clear town and 1 respawn cycle directly after to simulate 2 lots of groups for 2 people. Not sure if thats by any length true or accurate, and sorry if i made no sense at all. This is based off personal experience.
  3. Zerafas

    DayZ Stories

    I guess this ones just lucky and unlucky at the same time, but here goes. So a mate of mine and I ran from a group of 4 dudes with AK's and some sniper rifles, and some how managed to survive without taking a hit from the sniper rain, and continued to leg it before they caught up. After running for 5 minutes in some direction, we came across a stables and a car shed with a pick-up truck only missing one wheel. Both stoked about the find after escaping bandits, we decided to hunt down this one wheel, finding it not only ~200m away in a small building at a power station. Also found 2 jerry cans along the way. Excited to get the wheel on we rushed over to repair and refuel. Got it working and drove to meet another mate. We embarked on an epic journey around the east, north and west areas of the map that lasted for 5-6 hours straight, stocking the truck up with everything until we had enough to last us for zonks. After we decided to pack things up, so we went to go hide the truck north east by the dam. Heres the unlucky part. Driving along the road near the dam, we "somehow" hit some "invisible forcefield", the truck blew up in our faces, killing both of us and destroying our loot in the back. Twas a sad day, we were not happy campers after that "accident", but we moved on remembering that find, and what a day it was.
  4. Zerafas

    Your most insane lucky streak

    I guess this ones just lucky and unlucky at the same time, but here goes. So a mate of mine and I ran from a group of 4 dudes with AK's and some sniper rifles, and some how managed to survive without taking a hit from the sniper rain, and continued to leg it before they caught up. After running for 5 minutes in some direction, we came across a stables and a car shed with a pick-up truck only missing one wheel. Both stoked about the find after escaping bandits, we decided to hunt down this one wheel, finding it not only ~200m away in a small building at a power station. Also found 2 jerry cans along the way. Excited to get the wheel on we rushed over to repair and refuel. Got it working and drove to meet another mate. We embarked on an epic journey around the east, north and west areas of the map that lasted for 5-6 hours straight, stocking the truck up with everything until we had enough to last us for zonks. After we decided to pack things up, so we went to go hide the truck north east by the dam. Heres the unlucky part. Driving along the road near the dam, we "somehow" hit some "invisible forcefield", the truck blew up in our faces, killing both of us and destroying our loot in the back. Twas a sad day, we were not happy campers after that "accident", but we moved on remembering that find, and what a day it was.
  5. Zerafas

    DayZ Stories

    So i just realised, after playing DayZ last night, when some sneaky dog tried to creep up on me and axe me in the back but failed and i turned around and 3 hit him with my crotches then passed out while bleeding after taking one hit, then getting back up, bandaging, and left with 1.5k blood, that i was crippled in my leg the entire time. Thankfully he had all the medical supplies on him. TL;DR Dont fucking mess with cripples, they have crotches.