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Everything posted by chaveezy

  1. Just looking at this today and my new scripts.txt file is 2.5 GIGS! The old one was only 4k so what's up with that?
  2. chaveezy


    He probably doesn't care as these are definitely all hacked items... L85 was taken out of the game.
  3. chaveezy

    Unified Ban List

    There should be a centralized ban list that is much like the HIVE server on DayZ
  4. This is what I do, on our server I use the Six Launcher to update the beta files, this will ensure it's what everyone else is updated to. If you update these manually you will surpass the user end.
  5. chaveezy

    Questionable Experience

    There has been some serious DESYNC issues with this latest update. I am an administrator on US267 and we have been seeing vehicles just disappear mysteriously. It is possible that someone was shooting at you with no sound, this has been the case several times over the past few days as I've been firing an M107 and my partner could not hear a sound. I would recheck your tents today as it's possible they are still there due to the desync issues. If any hacking is suspected on US267 please email us at DerpDayZ@gmail.com and file a report so we can investigate, however, please ensure that you include usernames so we can scan the log. Thanks!
  6. It's exactly what people would do in real life, hoard the vehicles and rare items.. Out of bounds is ghetto though, I've never done that, however, even as a server admin, I wonder how many are outside of my map boundaries... This is why my interest is perked at this experiment, keep it updated!
  7. Bravo, wondering this myself.
  8. chaveezy

    Admin Abuse for Vehicles?

    What are you talking about rolling back the servers? This is not possible to my understanding, and today all our vehicles/tents were gone to. I'm pretty sure it's a hive problem at this point, you might want to research a little before calling admin abuse, sick of you cry babies whining because you lost your cars, I lose cars/weapons daily because this glitchy ass game, spawned on the top of a tree the other day and fell to my death, crawled between a bush and a rock one time and died, vehicles just disappear, tents disappear/reappear, it's just a glitchy game. Be patient, you will find other vehicles and gear, if you play a lot you should already know all this.
  9. Thank you, we will investigate. [derp] Chavez US267
  10. chaveezy

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    It was progressing, now it's regressing.. 1.7.2, worst update yet, nuff said. And all you keep saying, it's alpha it's alpha, why don't you contribute instead of just talking trash to other users that are making legitimate complaints with their usage of the game, they are, in a sense reporting issues..
  11. chaveezy

    Hacker / Spawncheat in LU36

    This happened to us also the other night, killed a guy who was WALKING WITH ZOMBIES, yes, he was doing a slow, crouch walk right next to a pack of zombies (this was the second time I killed him), the first time he was trying to ride my bike I broke at the NWAF and he was so slow on it that it was an easy kill. It did say, Friendly fire every time I slayed his monkey ass, but he kept right on spawning just off the NWAF with full gear, DMR, Coyote Backpack, etc. We didn't loot any of his gear because we figured it was all hacked anyways, so we let it soak into the ground. We finally banned the user information; Liquid Fox (id=14080390) GUID = ff18b719a5e24f213d977d85caf8b626 (unverified) Anyways, my clan mates ran into another guy, same thing last night and he's being added to the bans.txt file on our server, this will not be tolerated and I hope they can crush their entire GUID so they cannot play and have to spend another $30 to support the cause. The second users information is; tehSamudio (id=33692678 GUID = 379216709f92e1ea28ef2e21dd05eee0 (unverified) Good luck, and stay safe!
  12. Weak sauce, combat loggers should all be banned.
  13. I personally do make an announcement on our server when I'm about to reboot it, 5 minutes at least. This gives users time to find a safe place or get out and save a vehicle (if and when they show up again). This, however, does not help users who join within this timeframe...
  14. chaveezy

    vehicles not spawning anymore?

    Just set up a new server yesterday and have yet to see a vehicle, have checked all known spawn locations. Bummer, hope this gets addressed. We are also noticing huge delays in items spawning in regardless of location, check a tree stand and absolutely nothing, come back 10 minutes later, items fill in. I believe this is a delay from the hive and that they are still experiencing issues but this is obviously not confirmed, just an idea.
  15. chaveezy

    Description.ext ?

    You have to edit the mission PBO file as said previously, just search within that file for "enableItemsDropping", and you can set that to "0" for off and "1" for on.
  16. chaveezy

    Seattle 124 - DO NOT CONNECT

    We also experienced this on Seattle 91 tonight. BIG losses including L58's, AS50's, ghillies, etc. Sucks!
  17. chaveezy

    Cannot start host on port 2302

    Ensure you are using your internal IP address instead of external or proxied IP. This was our problem when we experienced the same error about port 2302. Also, there is some annotation saying that there has been times when it was required to forward port+1 and port+3. Good luck, hope you get it running ;)
  18. chaveezy

    All server down again?

    Twitter terrorist! AHHAHAHAHA..
  19. chaveezy

    DayZ Is A Running Simulator.

    It is a fact though that the Zeds are aggro-ing too easily, even in pitch black night they aggro from the same distances, around buildings. I do see the post as pointless complaining overall but the Zeds are glitchy with their zig zagging, 80kph speed and teleportation abilities. Depending on where you spawn, you should be looking for: (1) A weapon, (2) food, (3) drink. Then move up north and throughout isolated barns so you're not a target for snipers trying to move into a big town. Looking for more gear so you will be better suited to handle bandits, then if you feel the need for more action, move back down into the bigger towns and have at it. Me and a buddy were bored and so we ran down the coast, found a boat, it was a little off-shore so we found some spawner and told him where it was. We then proceeded down to Cherno to get into some action, ran across three well suited players, killed them but the last one got my buddy to (bodies obviously despawned instantaneously), so he was gearless, we ran around Cherno, he was the bait, drawing sniper fire as I would get a bead on them and blast away. Was pretty fun, we both eventually died and started again.. This game takes HOURS and HOURS, if not Days and Days on end to get things situated. Also, keep in mind that some servers are looted fairly quickly so switch servers and go back through the towns, I'll be you'll find one that had been reset recently so you could gather very good weapons, I've found DMR's and SD M4A1's right there in Elektro before! Good luck, keep at it. :)
  20. chaveezy

    lost 3 bizon mags :(

    Same thing with many weapons, especially the STANAG SD, and STANAG rounds, should be the same. The new ammo tracking in 1.7.2 is supposed to fix all this though, and are you sure the mags didn't combine and make 2 instead of 3? Like if you had 2 mags with 15 each, it will just make 1, 30 rd mag..
  21. chaveezy

    Inventory items

    I lose stuff all the time, the inventory is very buggy, if you don't have room in your bag, a lot of the times, whatever you're trying to put in there, just disappears. I've lost M4's, MP5's, CZ's, everything.. The whole thing is messed up, just be SURE you have enough room. Also the fact that you cannot drop items to the ground from your backpack directly, you have to put them in your inventory first then drop them... gaaahhh... DERP..
  22. chaveezy

    Passing out every time i log in

    This is happening to me right now, everytime I log in, passed out, no zombies ANYWHERE near, no players, shoot I was on a server with only one other guy. Logged out to go to bed last night out in the woods, logged in this morning, 10 hours later, passed out.... ARRRGGHH.. BUMP
  23. The only way to keep people from shooting other players it to turn FF off.. Sorry, it's just human nature to defend what you have and those who shoot first walk away.. There is no way around it. I was driving a 4 wheeler to Novy to pick up a friend of mine who was injured and a group of 3-4 players opened fire on me, probably expending 30-40 rounds, couple of them hit me, however, I still made it away. I parked it near the road and set up an ambush and when they came to investigate I shot them one by one from 200-300m away. They just want your stuff, if they see a well equipped survivor, that's the incentive.. My friends and I were talking about grouping last night and had the topic came up about NPC's throughout the game that could assist you, for instance, if you brought them 10 tin cans they could make you bullets or something or having the hords of zombies traversing the lands, it would force people to group and defend locations. If you were on your own you would be dead, and a group of 3-4 would not stand a chance. It's a dream though, I think there is mechanics to the game that still need refinement before storyline is going to be focused on. Slow and refine zombie movement for instance, if you had 300 lightning fast, zig zagging, wall teleporting zombies coming in on you, even a group of 10-12 would get murdered. I love the game though, play it for HOURS on end ;)
  24. chaveezy

    Website back online

    Bravo! Any idea as to the cause?
  25. Agreed, splint is a fantastic idea. While splinted, time should heal the bone and crouch walking only is a great idea as well. If you were to use morphine, it would heal it on the spot, this could get you to a hospital to get the supplies you need to fix yourself. Follow Zeromentor's directions and it will be perfect. Great job!