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Everything posted by chaveezy

  1. Any fix on this yet? Using Dwarden's and users are getting kicked with error, restriction #98
  2. chaveezy

    Dwarden's Scripts.txt - Updated 10:20PM EST

    Is this a working copy now? I know BE has had some issues and the one that DayZ is offering in their cfgdayzDEFAULT.zip has a date of 10AUG (non-working).
  3. In the server side files; http://cdn.armafiles.info/.dayzhosters/ But BattlEye has made an announcement that said to wipe the scripts.txt file until an update can be produced... SO ACTUALLY for that user that said it's not BattlEyes fault... WRONG sir... just wrong... Yes it's true that the scripts.txt file sets the scripts for the system to look for, but something changed last night in the software and that caused this major meltdown... BattlEye = garbage... Not that any cheat detection program could produce satisfactory results for a mod like this due to it's scripting nature that creates it's existance, until it's a standalone game, nothing can be done.. Scripting is just so damn easy, and with the BattlEye work arounds, it makes it that much easier...
  4. Restarted my server, still kicking everyone that joins... WTF BattlEye... You're worse than the hackers!
  5. chaveezy

    Script restriction #87?

    It was script restriction #97 on my server.. hrm.
  6. chaveezy

    BattlEye Script Restriction 97?

    Just happened to us on US267, I was also in a heli... :( BattlEye is worse than the hackers.. LOL!
  7. Checked my log this morning and found this, definitely a scripter at work, recommend global banning; 12.08.2012 21:11:20: David ( d72d22ffa5f454e28904cdb98da139fb - #31 "\keybinds.sqf" (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveAllEventHandlers "KeyDown"; (findDisplay 12) displayRem" 12.08.2012 21:11:20: David ( d72d22ffa5f454e28904cdb98da139fb - #180 "tarting Integrated Hack..."; nul = [] execVM "\wuat\start.sqf"; }; case 77: { hint "Killing Everyo" 12.08.2012 21:11:20: David ( d72d22ffa5f454e28904cdb98da139fb - #185 "pt\cargo.sqf"; }; case 80: { hint "Spawning Teleporting All Friends..."; nul = [] execVM "\YourScr" 12.08.2012 21:11:22: David ( d72d22ffa5f454e28904cdb98da139fb - #34 "isplay = ctrlParent _control; }; if (serverCommandAvailable "#vote") then { _votingAllowed = tru" 12.08.2012 21:11:22: David ( d72d22ffa5f454e28904cdb98da139fb - #34 "isplay = ctrlParent _control; }; if (serverCommandAvailable "#vote") then { _votingAllowed = tru" Any additional information, contact DerpDayZ@gmail.com
  8. Please post this up, or share the file if possible, I would be very interested in pursuing the same course of action. Thanks!
  9. Agreed, useless addition to the game, get rid of it, or make it so that when you take it down, IT STAYS GONE! Spend tons of time taking it down just to have it respawn when the server restarts..
  10. chaveezy

    US267 Server Locked/PW'd

    Hey thanks for the update Theon! We lock the server for many reasons, especially since the update there has been many restarts and script changes. For example, our BattlEye/Scripts.txt file has been modified several times which required restarts and it's easier to lock the server then explain to people that we have to shut down 3-4, sometimes 5 times in a row. Another example is the fact that we were doing some router/network/hardware maintenance and cross checking the server side operation, ie: ping, spawn times, etc, to ensure it's working great for the players.. This is just a few reasons why we would potentially lock the server, it's known as "maintenance mode", and it's end result is to allow a better operating server for YOU, but again, thanks for the update. [derp]Chavez
  11. chaveezy

    Hive lagging?

    How often are you restarting? We have been experiencing serious lag as well, so we have been restarting every few hours if not sooner.. Since there has been several desync issues..
  12. chaveezy

    All Server Hosts/Admins - PLEASE READ!

    scripts.txt file, cfgdayz/BattlEye directory, not that it will matter anyways, with this supposed BE bypass.
  13. chaveezy

    Log Examples [hacking]

    I rename my scripts.log file every few days, so that it is manageable..
  14. This is becoming more often then not.. Hacks are getting out of hand and I hope the Devs have a plan to stop them.
  15. chaveezy

    US 863 - Hacks [Logs included]

    Now THIS is a cheating report, well done sir, well done..
  16. chaveezy

    US 267 HACKERS

    I will post the email I have just sent to you since you are so quick to call "hacking". We do take hacking very seriously, and I can guarantee that [derp]kgman has never hacked, nor will he ever hack. An M107 is easily found at any heli crash site, so is an AS50, DMR and many other rare drops. We were suspicious of Nick because the second time kgman killed him he had the same exact gear on. At this point I can tell you that there are serious desync issues with the hive files and since update, we have seen many, MANY glitches. With your friend being shot behind a tree, this is also not surprising, as when servers are very desync'd (doesn't necessarily have to be yellow/red link showing), you are actually in a different location. Happened to myself many times, as a matter of fact, last night I was killed by a guy AFTER I shot him 15 times with an FAL! He shot me twice with a Winchester... HRM.. I was very upset and started poking around for answers. I have since re-installed all server and hive DLL files as well as all BattlEye software as well on the server, we currently are testing everything and will be throughout the day to ensure everything is up to par before re-opening the server to the public (mainly to avoid issues like what you and your friends are experiencing). We appreciate your email and will continue to battle hackers (legitimate ones), which use scripts to hack, not just desync'd servers. Respectfully, [derp]Chavez PS - I actually have an SVD Camo and FAL, not an M107, however, we do have several at our disposal. PSS - I have also been informed about the teleportation and have been looking through my scripts.log file for hours, however, I have been informed by many colleagues that BattlEye is very easily avoided and most scripts currently do not even show up there.
  17. Is nobody else having this APPCRASH for arma2oaserver.exe? I have tried reinstalling all server files, still no avail. Re-installed Beta, no change, lag is something of a problem now to.
  18. Server is experiencing random crashes, AOserver stops responding after several hours, with 30+ players pings rise to 200% of normal, and servers are not populating on Six Launcher application. Please advise. [derp]Chavez Admin US267
  19. Refer to your own sig... That is all..
  20. We need some kleenex in here.. lol, you guys are hillarious.
  21. I concur, this is a new issue with our server as well. Crashing randomly and SUPER high ping loads as well after some time. If I reduce the max players on my server it takes LONGER for it to occur but still loads up over time. US267, (with 0.7.2 hive files) and Beta 95417
  22. chaveezy

    US267 Mass Teleport into Kill

    We have spent several hours today looking over the log files yesterday and seem to have found the perpetrator. It seems a user ran the following script at or around the exact time of the mass kill; 24.07.2012 17:20:23: Dan (XX.XX.XXX.73:2304) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX - #13 icopter" || _v iskindof "plane") then { _v setVehicleInit "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"; We have taken action against anyone using this code, as well as permanently banned this user. Anyone running this code should be automatically kicked on detection. We at US267 will continue to repel the hackers/cheaters as long as good Samaritans can report the issues. Please be reasonable when reporting such cases though and include names/times and a scenario so we can investigate the occurrences. Thank you! [derp]Chavez
  23. That should work, I just quoted a few basic ones and tried logging in and out until I got it right. Looks like just quoting "God Mode" "vehicle player setPos" "(vehicle player) setPos" Reason being anything with he word "god" in it, such as "SLX_DraggerCargoDead" would kick a player. Hopefully this works for you also!
  24. chaveezy

    protip: update your script files

    Why do they not release a scripts.txt file that has all the suggested text already implemented?