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Mustard (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mustard (DayZ)

  1. Mustard (DayZ)

    Knock out players and tie them up

    securing a player via a wire fence kit sounds like something out of a SAW movie and is not practical by any means....
  2. Mustard (DayZ)

    Ghillie Suit DayZ vs. CoD

    brace yourselves we have another COD player
  3. logs from the update saying what was fixed/added is proof enough for me
  4. Mustard (DayZ)

    Chicago servers.

    Been playing there the past week, ran across two pretty big size tent cities...so big deal they had some good weapons in there tents. It's a clan server its not like one dude is going out and finding all this loot by himself.
  5. Mustard (DayZ)

    Weapon Question

    Yep, I've even logged off and when logging back in later i was spawned 20 minutes prior to logging off originally :/!
  6. Mustard (DayZ)

    Do you play with a loot map?

    Way to look like an idiot wearing an IOTV in Civies....must be a E-3
  7. Mustard (DayZ)

    WTF!!!! A glitch gave me 2 characters

    you didn't fight it out when a grenade was thrown at you...I get polygons rarely in my graphics, but it doesn't mean I get butt hurt and DC...
  8. some of my tents have duplicated themselves as well as lost items inside of them...I've heard that if you place them right next to a tree they have a tendency to do this...
  9. Mustard (DayZ)

    Food spawn rates

    the first week or so I played DayZ I thought matches were a myth myself.....now 1 out of 3 buildings I go in I find matches...
  10. Mustard (DayZ)

    Hackers.. Again, AGAIN!

    I like how you calculated his speed and the bullet trajectory so quickly.....perhaps you should teach Snipers (the real life ones) how you did it so fast! :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: :emptycan: 0/5 Beans
  11. Mustard (DayZ)

    In-game Voice Com problem

    try a new headset
  12. Mustard (DayZ)

    How to use a rangefinder

    Hey Zipper, you in the Deuce?
  13. Mustard (DayZ)

    Chicago servers.

    I was playing Chicago 52 for the past few days and it went down on me today. After a quick google search of Chicago 52 and any status I noticed it was bringing me to a page for US 559. Joined it and I found my tent. Hope this helps!
  14. Mustard (DayZ)

    Chicago 129

    I noticed Chicago 52 changed there name to US 559.....I think its because the server admins were butt hurt that I found there like 10 tent base camp :lol: and didn't think I'd be able to relocate the server....a simple google search later to find any info on it being down and I discover US 559, join it....find my tent....let the games begin I'll be back to steal more of there stuff maybe they'll leave a guard there now for me to kill ;)
  15. Mustard (DayZ)

    Zombie Aggro

    I've noticed that they seem to lose aggro more easier too if they can't see you....wasn't sure if that was part of the update or not, but I love it
  16. Mustard (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Linked up with 3 of my buddies outside of Zelenegorsk (SP?) on Chicago 52 this morning. Upon arriving at our linkup point we hear makarov shots going off not far from us. One of my buddies jokingly says lets throw a frag, and sure enough one of the other guys does lol. If they didn't know we were here they do now for sure! We all go prone, and wait a few minutes. We see 2 guys running about 50 m away from us. We hold our fire to wait for a better position to shoot...it doesn't come so we start following them. We see the 2 running across an open field and move into a position to start firing when suddenly one of my buddies gets taken out from an unkown location in one shot. Fearing a sniper was covering his 2 buddies we fall back to where we had first seen the 2 rascals in hopes of them getting over confident and coming back to look for us. We set up a small perimiter behind some rocks and in some pine trees, sure enough not 5 mins later one of us spots a guy and he gives me the general direction since i was weilding an AS50. I start scanning in the general direction and to my suprise I see 3 survivors next to a rock looking confused one prone two crouched. I immediately fire at the prone survivor....he drops the other 2 start running. Luck being on my side one of the other survivors runs in a straight line directly away from me, easy shot to the back he drops, thats 2. I start getting a beat on the 3rd and I loose him in the woods...damn. We continue into Zelenegork in hopes of beans from the market. I stay in the woods overwatching with my AS50. When my guys get close to the market they start taking fire, the lone survivor is back I knew it....my buddies make an escape through the city as im franticaly scanning trying to find him. They make it back to me and after 30 mins to an hour of scanning where I thought he was and noting the Z spawns we give up and continue roaming the lands.....that lone survivor lives to see another day. But damn was that a fun moment for me in DayZ nothing gets your heart beating and hands shaking like seeing other survivors
  17. Hey guys! New to the forums, having a blase on DayZ looking to play and team up with some people. Bandits are getting on my last nerve!