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Mustard (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Mustard (DayZ)

  1. Mustard (DayZ)

    This happens to often...

    i liked how he was at -117 blood for like 2-3 sec and shooting before he actually fell over....
  2. Mustard (DayZ)

    Lights Inside Certain Buildings

    I like how pretty much every building has no power in the world, but yet the NWAF runway lights are on....
  3. Mustard (DayZ)

    A few ideas. :) (lets keep this game real)

    making a cure? I guess everyone is a Biologist in DayZ....at least I think Biologist is the word I'm looking for lol
  4. Mustard (DayZ)

    Change Jerry Can Sound.

    personally the sound for eating food makes me want to throw up..
  5. Mustard (DayZ)

    Want to trade AS50...

    I've shot zombies and players from within 200m with the AS 50 and didn't aggro any zombies...
  6. Mustard (DayZ)

    MP5SD mags convertable to M9SD and vice-versa

    1911's don't use magazines....you sir are an idiot
  7. Mustard (DayZ)

    Stuck in a doorless room in Elektro

    go to the wall and Vault, thats what I did when I got stuck in a similar spot. Worked for me
  8. Mustard (DayZ)

    No Heli on server ?

    heli you saw was hacked in, they're not in the game as of now due to a de-sync issue I believe..
  9. Mustard (DayZ)

    No Heli on server ?

    choppers havent been in the game for a while
  10. Mustard (DayZ)

    Satchel Charges!!

    are the satchels kinda like land mines? you get by them and they blow? or do they come with some type of detonation device? either way hilarious
  11. Mustard (DayZ)

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    I've seen a few tents under the bridges near the coast....pretty creative and a good spot I think, I mean who really looks there
  12. Mustard (DayZ)

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    found a 10-15 tent camp in the Lumber Yard in Bereznio (sp) along with a UAZ in the little mechanical shop there too. Seems like a completely obvious place, but if I hadn't been running to the shop to loose aggro I probably would've never even guessed to look there..
  13. Mustard (DayZ)

    DayZ Tactical Mil-Sim Platoon

    Clans and military rank structure has always eluded me.....I been in for 8 years (Army Infantry) and why the hell would someone want to join a clan that's just like being at work.
  14. Mustard (DayZ)

    A request from Rocket/Dayz Crew

    its Alpha, its happened to more then you....hes not gonna waste his time. Don't get attached to your gear. I lost an AS50 that disappeared while moving it to an empty alice pack....im not complaining
  15. Mustard (DayZ)

    Drop your bag ?

    they may do things differently at platoon level (which they shouldn't be in the first place that's why CO's have SOP's) but that don't make it right.....that sucks if your vehicle gets hit and you need that equipment...better to have and not need then to need and not have
  16. Mustard (DayZ)

    or what about this one would it work

    stop making threads asking about computers and the ability to run DayZ put them all in one thread, jesus
  17. Mustard (DayZ)

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    PM me if you got questions, I hardly ever check back on stuff I commented on
  18. Mustard (DayZ)

    Approaching NWAF for first time, any tips?

    slow is smooth, smooth is fast.....take your time but don't abuse it
  19. Mustard (DayZ)

    will this run day z if someone could let me know

    google...and no need to post your shit twice you impatient person you
  20. Mustard (DayZ)

    Drop your bag ?

    Really, that's what a Soldier would do, leave all their gear behind? Tell me all about how you came to that conclusion? I've been in the Military for near 8 years and I never just "left" my gear thinking that the situation was going to go the way I expected it...we carry everything because you never know what you might need and when you'll need it.
  21. Mustard (DayZ)

    MP5SD mags convertable to M9SD and vice-versa

    I think they shouldn't be convertible (.45 ACP & 1911)....where does the dude get the other magazine from when he converts .45 acp to 1911?
  22. and you take the hacked items.......should ban you from Dayz as well
  23. Mustard (DayZ)

    Medical items in secondary ammo slots.

    I think there should be a small 3-4 slot first aid pouch
  24. Mustard (DayZ)

    Regenerating blood

    kill animal, gut animal, take raw meat, cook raw meat, eat cooked meat, gain 800 blood, problem solved
  25. Mustard (DayZ)

    Abusive admins FR62

    proof...or its pointless