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About Tase

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  1. Tase

    US 216 Cheating Admins

    If the server goes down and you notice it's on the turn of the hour, it's a server reset. The admin will also reset the server again if shit like tents/vehicles aren't present on the map after a reset. I don't think anyone minds that, there was even a thread requesting this for US 216. Heck, we've been caught by the server restart a few times (me at least) while in a vehicle.
  2. Tase

    Banned from Seattle 13

    Well it's not a BattlEye ban, because he's been playing with us through a few servers, all of which are BattlEye enabled. And the server ban happened a week ago, so it would have had time to come in effect by now.
  3. What about the "I need to get the hell out of here before someone gets the drop on me" feeling? That's what I feel when I hit up high-value locations, and it goes for people spawning in and for people walking in. You can't secure an area, someone might be 500 meters behind you going to the same place, catch up to you while you're securing the place, notice the dead zombies, and take action. And people spawning in isn't all advantages for them. You can easily kill someone when they spawn in. My buddy had finished looting a deer stand, and some dude spawned in it. The guy got shot, and he never knew what hit him. And an other time, an other buddy spawned in front of someone, and got gunned down. It's all a question of luck, people usually don't purposely spawn in to kill you.
  4. Tase

    The meanest thing I've done so far

    I shot up some guy that was crawling to the Elektro hospital with nothing on him. I heard him say wtfwhyme in voice. The guy was in the middle of my gun fight with 3 other armed guys :(
  5. How does the vehicle spawning work on new servers?
  6. Dunno what happened there. You/he unloaded a lot of AS50 rounds into the guy when you/he regained consciousness. And I doubt you/he missed them all.
  7. I tried logging in to that server after hearing buddies got banned from it, and I got kicked, and now I can't connect (kicked kicked kicked). I wasn't even online when the previous bans happened.
  8. Tase

    Banned from Seattle 13

    I tried logging in to that server after hearing this, and I got kicked, and now I can't connect (kicked kicked kicked). I wasn't even online when this happened.
  9. I was a sniper, I shot an other sniper (twice), and he DCed. What do you say to this? Players characters should stay in the game if they have been damaged by a player in the last 30 seconds. Admittedly, I should have gone for a headshot, he was 330 meters out, and I had a M24. But this was the first (and last) time shooting it.
  10. Tase

    Getting tired of Death Dodgers.

    I was in a gunfight at the NWAF, some sniper was on the west side, I was in the middle with my M24, both gillied (my buddy was ironically located right next to the dude). I shot him once in the body, then an other when I noticed I didn't get the kill (I had assumed this thing was a 1-hit body kill, at least at 300 meters anyway). The guy fell to the ground and disappeared, I never got the kill. Then later, I had moved in some bushes outside the north barracks, watching over some guy prone in the barracks, and some dude appears out of nowhere and shoots me in the face. That or the guy in the barracks shot through the wall / used the invisible exploit (I think I saw some dude standing next to the barracks when I died, but my buddy had eyes on me and didn't see him). I hope this shit gets fixed. I didn't get a kill because this dude had his esc+alt-f4 on a macro, but someone else got one cuz he logged off to re-position himself / used an exploit ?
  11. Always 4 (threat) and above. I will shoot anyone that is armed though. I have 3 murders to my name. #1, an armed player got too close to me in Elektro. #2, this poor dude was headed in the general direction in which my hidden ATV was. #3, I was at the ACT at the airstrip in Balota, someone tried to shoot me when I was up there. I went down, turned into the first hangar to see a guy prone with an AKM staring at me. Shot him up with an AK-47. He was out of ammo (had AK ammo though).
  12. I think the NWAF is the spot you will find server hoppers. I wouldn't say, from checking out that place, that everyone server hops. It just happens a lot there.
  13. As my friend says, "These survivors are retards, bringing a bandaid and a flashlight and expecting to survive the zombie apocalypse". Starting out with a Makarov isn't a great idea, but a simple box of matches, maybe a knife or hachet, would be awesome. Water canteen would also be cool, but that's a moot point. Maybe a can of coke.
  14. I'm looking for a group that kills on sight, raids and loots places, and does some sniping. Ideally, also some vehicle hunting and tent-dropping. I've got a mic/TS3, I live on the East Coast, GMT-5/6, and I usually play the afternoon/night. PM me on these forums, reply to this post, or add me on steam "Tase".
  15. Tase

    My first Murder

    I don't think he had time to DC, he must have been dead before he hit the ground. And I think 2 shots would have been enough to kill him, according to the wiki. But who am I to talk, for my first murder, I unloaded half a clip of AKM ammo into the guy.