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About BoMo

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. its really sad that it goes down ... I would take the server if I could but from May on games are not my main interest, it is a winter thing for me. And its really a shame so many people changed to the standalone, which is ... not even an alpha IMHO. The german games mag "PC Games" did a first look video and they are right with what they mentioned: - Animation of the Zeds is a joke after all the time of development - sound: same thing - there is hardly nothing in the game at the moment - One year to the beta? Really? I mean ... When was Dayz standalone suggested to be released? They conclude it with the opinion that the standalone at the moment is not worth the price and as a gamer there is really no reason to switch to this empty sandbox thing it is at the moment. I see it likewise ... http://www.pcgames.de/Day-Z-PC-255532/Videos/DayZ-Erste-Eindruecke-zur-Standalone-Version-im-Video-1101991/ In one, maybe two years there will be better survival-horror-titles than Dayz. I dont give up my bet that Dayz will beat Duke Nukem as vaporware ;-) Just nine years to go ...
  2. Hey mate, best wishes from me to get better soon! Sleep well ;-) AND LONG!!! *grin*
  3. Now you have the chances to get "HowTos" with which you can upgrade vehicles ... Did not find any yet
  4. So the hunt for documents has opened? ;-) I am still in office but later i want to test the new features ... Chainsaw massacre! ;-)
  5. Still in office, damn ... Urgently need to kill something later ...
  6. Hey, what about adding some tactics in here? Now there are enough player on the server to do ... A combined attack of the island perhaps? Air, land and water? However, tonight i will try out a boat tour to the island ;-)
  7. Hi, atm I am still in the office! Hurra, first day after holiday :-( I will be home in two hours I think ... btw, regarding the AI: I like them harder, was just joking because you died checking the crates instead of using a scope ;-)
  8. You get it before I could answered ... This was what happened to Aeregon. The solution is to pull it with another vehicle away. Reagarding NE: Must have been a strange day for the server yesterday, I checked twice with restarts between ... Oh, sorry, it was the day before. BTW, be careful, AI is super pissed atm ;-)
  9. I like that with the Zed headshot ... Makes them more a thread. Yesterday there were some strange things on the server. Maybe you can sort out. - A Vodnik (?) was spawned half in earth at the trader in Klen after buying. Like sitting on its back and looking into the sky. - After parking my heli before restart it was gone when I relogged and i was not in base where i logged out, I was 2500-3000 m away. Heli not found anymore. - Guarding heli at NE respawns immediately - Loot crates at NE did not spawn - Due to connection loss one player lost his heli. But we cant find it at this place. After hours someone found it crashed at the point we searched at before ... - I there a second heli patrolling? Or the one from NE lost his track. I will check the new things you added after work, see you later! Great things added in the meanwhile!
  10. Hey Predator, its a long time ago ... ;-) If I see you trying to join the server i got your Name and GUID and can whitelist you. Or write to the E-Mail address for whitelisting: urbanskaters@gmail.com and send your Ingame name and your GUID. Regards
  11. Nice additions again ... it gets better and better!
  12. At work, in the office ;-) Be back home in 4 hours or so ...
  13. It might be the version, I would suggest to downgrade via Dayz Commander. It's the easiesst way I think ...
  14. Hey, just in short: Atm I am at work, so I can not whitelist you but perhaps Hayward ist around ... See you this evening
  15. On the Ingame map in the bottom left are the server rules and the TeamSpeak IP provided ... BTW, do you have contact to some of the old regulars? Spread the news ;-) Regards