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Posts posted by Psychotix92

  1. Hey there, a few days ago, i could see all the servers in-game just fine, and i am not talking JUST DayZ Servers, but all of them, but for the past few days, the in-game browser no longer works at all, i have tried numerous things, i have reinstalled arma, Checked my fliters, Made sure Address was on "Internet" Still. Nothing, BUT when i use six launcher I can see all the servers perfectly, but when i try to join, i just get stuck on waiting for host, it is not just me with this problem either, a friend of mine has it aswell - Again, this is NOT Just DayZ servers, so i know the new patch didn't do anything as i haven't downloaded it yet, but every server is gone in the in-game browser, i am just wondering if anyone else has this problem, and if anyone has a fix? It was working fine a few days ago, i have done nothing to my game that'd make it do this, And my internet is working fine. As is my friends.
