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About xStone

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    On the Coast
  1. xStone

    SA2 Admin Foul Play

    So the server came up about two hours later and they kick anyone who goes in. Why would they do that? (Unless they're moving their things around.) They are kicking people intentionally, this is pathetic.
  2. The server was SA2 this happened on. This happened 8:35pm (Central Standard Time) June 28th. The people that were involved that can back it up are: xStone(forum name), xSlay(forum name), Herr Otto(forum name), Herz Jaeger(forum name) xStone and xSlay came across someones base and we started looting it. We got some friends that were close by to help. In the middle of looting the place a player came online and attacked us. We killed him and attempted to leave with their vehicles. As we were leaving the area, the server disconnected and shut down. It is not on the server list anymore. The server didn't restart it shut down completely. Its been half an hour since this has happened and the server is still not available. We are led to believe this was an admins camp because they shut down the server once we killed him to prevent us from getting his stuff. I have a photo of the camp when we were trying to escape right before the server shut down. This is a photo of the camp when we were raiding it. Notice the tractor and red sedan just like the first picture. This is when we were driving off with the vehicles and the server is disconnecting. If you look closely you can see the server SA2 in brackets in the middle left. This is unacceptable and admins should not be abusing their powers to not lose. This is part of the game and they should have to face the consequences if they don't hide well enough.
  3. My friend and I would love to have new people to play with. We are both 18 years old. We are fairly new to the game but we learned quickly and think it would be much more fun with other people. I hope you will still accept people in! We both have TS and think that using mic is the best way to communicate. My name is Stone and my friends name is Slay.