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Everything posted by ry777

  1. so i was in nw airfield where i shot two players who were trying to kill me, i turned into a bandit and lost my backpack however i just took theirs, about 5 mins later after i hid the bodies my backpack dissapeared again! is this a glitch? will my coyote reappear if my humanity goes above 0?
  2. ry777

    bandit transformation

    any1 else to confirm?
  3. ry777

    bandit transformation

    yea it looked invisible, are you saying i can still access it? unfortunately I picked up another pack in the meantime already but, the info would be god to know if it happens again
  4. I am beginning to tire of the stench of the ocean, the salt mixed with the smell of rotting corpses nearly drove me to empty my stomach. Happening along a small town, I quietly sneak into the nearest building in search of supplies. I dart around the corner and almost shit myself when I see someone lying prone in the corner. Poor bastard must have been caught in a firefight with the other body next to him. Peeling away the makarov and a lee enfield I begin to make my escape, I stow my rifle realising he had emptied all the ammunition. After a few steps outside I hear a noise and spin around to see a bus roll up beside me. Oh yea transportation! i thought, the driver was honking joyously at me, almost as if to ask me to join up with him. Not having any ammo in my rifle I accept his offer and go around the front of the bus in order to hop in. that is when he runs me over, breaking my leg in the process. "WHY?" I ask as the driver calmly exits the vehicle and puts me out of my misery. This act hardens my heart as I spawn in and make a break for the balota airfield. I sprint in and utter a sigh of relief when I see a remmington poking up through the gravel. "Only 8 rounds but I guess it will have to do" I mutter during my trip back across the airstrip. Sneaking around the bushes my heart leaps as a see the silhouette of a bus in the distance trying to turn around. "Im gunna show you fuckers!" I think as I stealthily close the gap. Just as I get within 10 metres, he pulls out and begins the speed away. One shot pops the tire and another breaks the glas near the drivers face. "Shit shit what the hell?!" i hear as 5 men jump out of the bus and begin to scramble for cover in the bushes. "like shooting fish in a barrel" i think to myself as I execute two of them lying prone one metre away from me and pop shots at the other fleeing victims. I suddenly hear the crack of an m16 from one of the survivors. Quickly i duck behind a tree and lean out the left side for a quick shot hitting him in the leg before I pop around the right side of the tree dodging his panicked firing in order to finish him off. The quick position switch worked like a charm as I line up his forehead "click click" ... out of ammo, "crap" I thought as the muzzle of the m16 swings over and riddles me with bullets. I lay down my head and smile as my last breath exits me. "got you assholes"
  5. ry777

    I should have known

    ah the dayz forums, where all I get is 0/10 boring story when I use plain english, TL:DR and a constant barrage of how shitty a writer I am for not using paragraphs when sharing a bit of text I whipped up in 5 ish minutes. I Heard the paragraph criticism already, since I am such a terrible writer why don't you enlighten me as to why instead of regurgitating the same moot point?
  6. ry777

    I should have known

    thanks for the support Moutarde! Paragraphs aren't really my strong point and they might have been helpfull, however I don't think It is all thaat long
  7. so i killed a bandit in northwest airfield on a supply run and happened on this little beauty, is it a hacked weapon or is it just extremely rare? also would keeping the m4a3 acog gl be a bannable offense? input would be sweet ;p
  8. ry777

    m4a3 acog gl

    ok thanks for the quick feedback guys! it is a sexy little weapon and i kinda feel entitled to it but id rather not get banned for something stupid like this haha
  9. i just recenly installed arma2 and dayz, it is an awsome game but i have noticed that i am much slower than other players, it doesnt matter if im prone crouched or running. I am not walking because i can toggle walk and go slower, also i am not aiming down my sight. The animations are all correct however my movespeed is low for some reason, any1 else have this?
  10. still have my inventory however an m107 and an alice pack with a m249 dissapeard after logging into my nightime server, this body has been alive for several days by the way and ive had the weps for a day at least... should i kill myself?
  11. clever little trick you guys had, my partner inside the UAZ at the military tents barely hit the deck before you managed to come in and do doughnuts in front of us, by the way you almost ran me over 3 times up on the hill. I'm curious as to how many broken legs you guys had after constantly disconnecting when I opened fire. PS RIP tractor, my buddy's grenade launcher sends its regards
  12. wasn't for you bro im trying to make contact
  13. i have already turned my head bob all the way off, any1 else have ideas other thn my internet connection? do you think i messed up the dayz install or sumthin?
  14. hmm alright ill check my fps haha thats really strange though