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About Hitback

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  1. Okay the game is completely up to date but it will sometimes take 10+ minutes to get into a near empty server, quite frustrating, have a decent machine to i5 2500k etc etc. Any ideas? Oh another thing, sometimes I will get endless loading screen.
  2. As title states I am unable to play Dayz due to artifacts. Everything becomes obscured depending on view angle meaning that I am either zombie bait or an easy PK. Any fix coming on this? Have only noticed this happening with the last couple of patches. Can't determine whether its Arma or Dayz related but its annoying as hell.
  3. Hitback

    Did pushbikes get nerfed?

    perhaps, they dont look broken, what do I need to fix it?
  4. Hitback

    Did pushbikes get nerfed?

    I have come across bikes in Dayz previuously that were much faster, and much quicker to accelerate also.
  5. Hi I found a bike recently but its really slow, (max speed 23) is somethign wrong with it?
  6. Hitback

    Cannot update battleye

    Nope, just says it cannot update, as though it times out or something.
  7. As title states cannot update battle eye, (like it even works anyway). It won't update automatically once in game and cannot update it manually either, what gives?
  8. Hitback

    Battle eye initialisation failed?

    thanks for the help people :D
  9. Hitback

    Battle eye initialisation failed?

    Thanks Ander, I ran this it got to 75% and then said Wrong CD key.... then it said successfully installed?
  10. Hitback

    Where'd you hide the animals, rocket?

    yes they do, I see them roam around all over the place.
  11. As title asks, I havent found a helo crash site in day(z). Are they still in game?
  12. yeah sooo, interesting problem I am stuck on a stone overlooking a cliff, can't move at all apart from crouching and standing, anyone else had this problem and if so could they fix it? I am reasonably well geared and don't really want to lose my gear.
  13. Hitback

    Stuck on stone, can't move

    I can't prone for some reason, can only crouch and stand
  14. hi atm I am stuck on a stone overlooking a cliff, is there some way I can get out of this predicament? I am reasonably well geared and dont want to have to respawn.
  15. Hitback


    The best post in this thread so far.