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Everything posted by BloodyVengeance

  1. hey guys... im having trouble playing dayz with play six. the problem is not six but when i get into a server and screw around for a bit, i crash like never before. this crash literally shuts down my computer right in the middle of the game. this happened before so i thought it was a problem with the graphics. i am playing dayz on an old computer so i turned down all the visual settings to the lowest possible settings there is. for a while, it worked fine and there was little to no lag. but something went wrong with my steam and the game itself wouldnt work. i tried everything to get the game working but no success. i could only play arma and dayz with six to work. i dont know what i did but now the games work by themselves with steam and six but i still continue to crash unexpectantly. can someone tell me whats wrong? i might have an idea that my copmuter is the problem but im not 100% sure if thats the reason.
  2. BloodyVengeance

    dayz crashing in middle of game session

    sorry TastyBagel. i dont know much about my computer other thn it being old. that actually might be the reason why i keep crashing. so thanks and guess im not gonna use the family computer for my games. time to start searching for a computer suitable for gaming.
  3. BloodyVengeance

    Problem getting on servers

    Hey... I've been having problems trying to get on DayZ servers but every time I attempt to get on, I get a "connecting failed" or a "bad version, server rejected connection." And when I get into the lobby of the server and try to play, i get "bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons." I also turn invisible when i DO join a server Can someone tell me what I might have done wrong and help me fix it???? I got the Steam version and the updater thing.
  4. BloodyVengeance

    no entry error

    I'm also having that problem.