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Everything posted by iSelb

  1. iSelb

    I challenge you to survive !!!

    This made me laugh, thanks for sharing.
  2. iSelb

    Group spawn

    Do you mean random people or friends spawning together. I guess random people can't kill eachother with no weapons at first so that might make them work as a team but as soon as one of them picks up a weapon am gunna be worrying and probably split lol.
  3. The timer is used in almost every MMO and I think it'd be a good idea but I do like the idea that I can just pop in and out of any server for toilet breaks or distractions irl. Just makes it a little accessible but did you mean server hopping for item farming because this won't fix that or server hopping during pvp?
  4. iSelb

    My first impressions

    I can see why this guy is banned from the forum's now. And I must say I'm pretty glad he's not playing the game anymore. Everytime you die, you realise where you went wrong and then learn from your mistake and don't do it again. That's how a true Day Z player plays this mod.
  5. iSelb


    Unfortunatly there is no way of getting around paying full price for this game. :( But on the BiStudio store it's abit cheaper than buying it off Steam and it's still a steam code! :) Here, https://store.bistudio.com/arma2-combined-operations-steam-version It's not that much cheaper and I know what you mean my friend really wants this but he's not feeling £20 for a mod in alpha. lol
  6. iSelb

    are you guys fucking retarded?

    Haha, someone just got killed and likes to rage about it. Yes, it's Alpha the game isn't even going to be just a mod when it comes out and will have ArmA 3 graphics and alot more stuff implimented... Even a new map. If you're not enjoying the game, then just don't play it. Wait untill it goes into Beta or on release... It'll be all polished up then. Go back to mainstream FPS's, I have the feeling that this games a bit to hard for you.
  7. Haha, woah... Didn't expect that much rage. At least Benito liked the idea. Firstly, RaedwulfGamer. Yes, well done... you pointed out the fact that games aren't real life and I can actually move my body outside the pc screen. Fluid movement is a flaw of all games... Even the best but that doesn't stop it from seeming alot more realistic than say games mario kart. This game is more realistic than any other I've ever played and that includes your pityful example, Battlefield. Although BF is realistic due to the high end graphics the fluid movement, etc... It doesn't take much thought process to survive but it would do in a real war zone. Master Cirroji, have you ever tried kicking down a door in real life... It's not like the movies. Smashing a window and gaining access does sound realistic and I would love to see that implimented into the game... good idea. Yes a large majority of people would die quickly because they wouldn't be in a safe and secure place but what if you was... What if you were inside your house and the door was locked. You'd border up and chill till everything settles. Houses could be empty because people gather there supplies and jump in there car and get out of the city but before they could get to somewhere safe they were attacked.
  8. People keep complaining about "fake houses". I kind of agree that it's annoying to go into a small town full of zombies and find one house and maybe a shed with nothing in it. It tends to be not worth the risk... But it's realistic, I like to imagine that the doors are "locked" or "bordered" because in a zombie out brake alot of people would do this. If you walk down your street now and try open every door... You'll probably only be able to gain access to one or two because most people lock their doors. Even though it's fustrating starting out new thinking any house could be enterable but it's just down to chance and then realising it's not down to chance at all... It's down to the building type, that's a bit of a let down. I feel the houses that are "locked" should be randomly generated. This will make it more challenging in a way but there's more chance of open buildings and you'd have to stake the house out abit before attempted to gain access.
  9. iSelb

    my question

    ArmA 3 is going to be released in 2013 and I doubt Day Z will go straight to ArmA 3, it'll take awhile after release to mod it. And the way RocketHall I have a feeling that Day Z will be in Beta days by then and be it's own "thing" similiar to minecraft. I'd buy it, if your interested in it. Well I did. lol
  10. iSelb

    Why cant i hold...

    Did you really need to make a thread for this?
  11. iSelb

    Too hard

    I loled, thank you for that. :D Yeah, I just started a couple of days ago and I'm in the same boat. It's hard and there are a few bugs where you pull Z's out of nowhere but it's alpha and just use it as a learning curve. The game is going to be alot more popular as it hits the mainstream market and no doubt like every MMO it will be nerfed and made alot easier for more casual players. But just think about it, if we can get good at Day-Z now... Imagine what we'll be like once it's released! I do like the punching/kicking idea and I'd love to see that implimented in the game if possible but remember there's only so much they can do that's not in ArmA II + OA.
  12. iSelb

    Oh god.

    Here's a map for you, http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/ When you spawn a new character, it tells you in the bottom right hand cornor where you position is, ALT + TAB. Work out where you are and plan where you're going to go. Constantly be planning your next move and it's always helpful to plan something if you pull and it all goes belly up. You can get away from zombies but the anwser is not running in a straight line. Run for a open building, with two exits or something like a large forest. I've seen someone lose a Z just by running around a tree a few times then lying down. I'm a newbie too and it's a learning experience for me too and does get fustrating at times but I'm loving every second of it. Good luck.