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Everything posted by izodn

  1. I have no idea, I was on and off servers all day. It was a hardcore/expert server (no 3rd person, cross-hairs, or name-tags). It'd probably be 1192, 870, or 1145. EDIT: only 3-4 bullets were shot, one hit, 2 miss. No broken bone, just shock.
  2. Sorry for the slow reply. I want to say something though. Just to get your understanding in my view. The server messed up, that much is apparent. So the server messed up, and I was suppose to take the fall for it, no. I was not going to die because the server messed up quite severely. If I had no ammo, if I shot and missed, I'd take the death. But the server literally took my weapon for me, and expected me to fight. Thanks for the beans, and I do apologize, but please understand my point of view. I'd never alt-f4 from a legit engagement, know that.
  3. Server ate my DMR... There was no good death, what would you do if a hacker was shooting at you. It's just as bad.
  4. izodn

    hacked vehicles

    Server admins ban for different reasons. If they see in the server scripts that you were in a vehicle, or near it when it spawned. They may ban you. I'd stay away, and report it so you don't get banned.
  5. izodn


    Earlier today I was on US 85, Not a single item spawned in Elektro. Nothing... I checked EVERY thing in the city area. I only got things from tents in a firehouse.
  6. izodn


    The day before yesterday, heli fall from the sky, and nukes go rampant. Yesterday, Fully automatic AS50's fire from the hills from invis people. Today, a guy teleports to me, and kills me with a fully automatic crossbow 20+ bolts. Also, I shot him in the leg with an AS50 from point blank, blood splashed out, no broken bone, he's alive. This fucking game. I can't wait until this mod goes stand alone, with a better system that does not accept external scripts... Inb4: carebare, whiner, gobacktocod, whatever.
  7. izodn

    US 742 Hacker (Banksy [SAS])

    NOnonono, ALL helis are hacked. Send a support ticket if you want to find out for yourself. Helicopters are hacked in, cannot be found.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpNDYCOpuZ0 Hope you don't mind my terrible accuracy. Never fired SVD at 400m+
  9. Hello people. I was wondering if anyone has a guide to read the server log files, or any methods you use to catch hackers. People spawning heli's in my server is annoying, and It's quite popular here. Any help is appreciated.
  10. izodn

    Need help catching hackers

    Just askin mang.
  11. Hello people, my name is Brandon (AKA Izodn). I'm currently looking for other bandits/survivors to play with in a tribe style. I've been playing quite a while, and have had 2 characters last a long time; My longest character was about 30 hours old. About me: Region: West USA (Oregon to be specific) Age: 20 Available time: Any time (I go to school online, and unemployed, so dedication is my strong suit) Internet Reliability: Quite, internet has to major faults, Seattle is my best and preferred server location though. Sense of humor: I love humor, especially during game when tactics is not NEEDED. I've a wide variety of humor, and will mostly find anything funny. What I can offer the tribe: Tactics: I'm very tactically oriented, so I obey and execute commands in a timely, and safe mater. Gear: I've not much gear on me now, but I'd hope that the gear is dived up evenly, and on a who-killed-who basis. Dedication: I'm able to play at almost any time, so I'll be there when you need me. Other: I'm a techie as well, so if you can deal with my nerdy habits, and hardware talk I can provide websites, website maintenance, and computer build tips. What I'd hope to get from the tribe: Friends: Yes friends. I mean on steam, vent, TS3, mumble, whatever. I need to be able to communicate and contact people easily. If you have a facebook, that's also nice seeing as that's commonly checked over any other method. Gear: As I said above, I'd hope that it's on a who-killed-who basis. Also, sharing is quite important in case one dies, and needs gear to keep up. Tactics: I don't want to just go out and shoot, shoot, shoot. I want a plan in place, to execute any intruders, bandits, and hostiles. I'm not professional, but I'm not noob either. It doesn't take much to please me on this end. "Go north, overlook west. Shots fired East-SouthEast." Things like this. Internet: I'd like to play with others in my region for server lag and desync reasons. I will play with east coast on most servers, and EU players on a New York server. Sense of Humor: I have a large sense of humor, and I hope you do too. I crack jokes, and laugh at others. I'm not a serious pro player, so I like to goof around when not in danger. On another note I should add, I play about 15-20 hours a week right now, but can dedicate more. Again, I'm not a pro player, so someone showing me the ropes on larger, harder stuff is nice. I'm quite good at sniping, but haven't tried it in DayZ or ArmA situations other than the shooting range multiplier map mod. I can repeatedly hit a moving target at 1400 meters with M107, and AS50. Moving at 700-800 meters with almost any other. Please PM me if you're interested. Don't bother trying to recruit me just to kill on sight as I just re-spawned and have not much to lose.
  12. izodn

    Looking for a tribe, Izodn

    Thanks for the offer, but my shooting is somewhat situation based. If they have a weapon, I shoot no questions if I can take it. IF they've no wep, and starter gear, I'll follow and watch until safe sometimes.
  13. Hello people, my name is Brandon (AKA Izodn). I'm currently looking for other bandits/survivors to play with in a tribe style. I've been playing quite a while, and have had 2 characters last a long time; My longest character was about 30 hours old. About me: Region: West USA (Oregon to be specific) Age: 20 Available time: Any time (I go to school online, and unemployed, so dedication is my strong suit) Internet Reliability: Quite, internet has to major faults, Seattle is my best and preferred server location though. Sense of humor: I love humor, especially during game when tactics is not NEEDED. I've a wide variety of humor, and will mostly find anything funny. What I can offer the tribe: Tactics: I'm very tactically oriented, so I obey and execute commands in a timely, and safe mater. Gear: I've not much gear on me now, but I'd hope that the gear is dived up evenly, and on a who-killed-who basis. Dedication: I'm able to play at almost any time, so I'll be there when you need me. Other: I'm a techie as well, so if you can deal with my nerdy habits, and hardware talk I can provide websites, website maintenance, and computer build tips. What I'd hope to get from the tribe: Friends: Yes friends. I mean on steam, vent, TS3, mumble, whatever. I need to be able to communicate and contact people easily. If you have a facebook, that's also nice seeing as that's commonly checked over any other method. Gear: As I said above, I'd hope that it's on a who-killed-who basis. Also, sharing is quite important in case one dies, and needs gear to keep up. Tactics: I don't want to just go out and shoot, shoot, shoot. I want a plan in place, to execute any intruders, bandits, and hostiles. I'm not professional, but I'm not noob either. It doesn't take much to please me on this end. "Go north, overlook west. Shots fired East-SouthEast." Things like this. Internet: I'd like to play with others in my region for server lag and desync reasons. I will play with east coast on most servers, and EU players on a New York server. Sense of Humor: I have a large sense of humor, and I hope you do too. I crack jokes, and laugh at others. I'm not a serious pro player, so I like to goof around when not in danger. On another note I should add, I play about 15-20 hours a week right now, but can dedicate more. Again, I'm not a pro player, so someone showing me the ropes on larger, harder stuff is nice. I'm quite good at sniping, but haven't tried it in DayZ or ArmA situations other than the shooting range multiplier map mod. I can repeatedly hit a moving target at 1400 meters with M107, and AS50. Moving at 700-800 meters with almost any other. Please PM me if you're interested. Don't bother trying to recruit me just to kill on sight as I just re-spawned and have not much to lose.
  14. My beans have been given, best idea ever.
  15. I don't believe they allow this.
  16. I've given this a bit of thought, and was wondering the communities opinion. Now I'll start by saying I've not obtained any of the following weapons. Yet, the weapons I speak of are the only ones I've been killed by. They're also the same types of weapons that players mostly get killed in the youtube, and streaming videos I watch. I'm talking about the .50cal rifles. I've been killed many times by these, and I'm sure you have too. I've been around looking for many of these, and I've not found any. Yet almost every good bandit has one. I think there are FAR too many of these. I see everyone with these. It may be easy to obtain one by killing the sniper, good luck. But finding one is also a challenge, but apparently not enough. The fact that many bandits, survivors even, have so many .50 cals is quite disheartening. Whether by legit find, hackers, or dupers, it's still a problem (to me). I don't mind dying, especially by a player's hands, but I've not yet died to a non-sniper rifle. Anyway, talk among yourselves, what do you think?
  17. izodn

    Loot spawn rate

    That's the thing. IT may be IRL realistic, but for in a game, with a working community, in a survival situation, the .50 cal is NOT rare at all. The .50 cal is suppose to be VERY RARE because of it's awesome power, range, and functionality. However I still see it way too often, whether people already have it or not, I think the SPAWN rate should be decreased for increased rarity, to make up for it's power. You seem very set on thinking it's perfect the way it is, that's fine, but you run out of working points easily. I don't care if your in any military, that's your choice and job. This isn't a game, it's a Zombie survival MOD on a simulator. If you wanted to be realistic I'd say you don't give 15 infantry all .50 cal snipers. It's not functional, there's so many .50 cal in the game, it's happening. I love the rifle, but when I get it, I want to be one of few. Not the popular demand. It's rare, it should be hard to loot.
  18. izodn

    Loot spawn rate

    @ oZiix I like some of your points, but regardless more and more are being found, with the existing ones staying. Your example was sound except you forgot to add that snipers with .50 keep them, and so do the people that kill them, WHILE more and more people find them. If the drop rate were decreased, less people would FIND them, and have to kill for them. I'm also not saying it's not realistic to have less damage. You also have to count for how many people play the game, percentage of them with the .50, and realism. Realism being, that 20 people in a 32 player shouldn't have a .50.
  19. izodn

    Loot spawn rate

    I'm saying for what they do, 1-shot-1-kill, they're too easy to get. I think the spawn rate for any .50 cal should be decreased a lot.
  20. izodn

    QUICK! Bizon SD or FN FAL?

    The PP-19 for sure!
  21. izodn

    Are there no chat?

    Group chat to my knowlege does not work unless you're in the lobby. some servers have nameplates disabled.
  22. Just trying to help. Try that server, if you have issues there then it's the changes in the patch. Not the servers.
  23. Then it may be a problem with the server. If you really want to test it, a GREAT server that I've no problems at all with Desync is US130. Hosted in US west coast. IF you get the same issues there, it's your rig.
  24. izodn

    Hive and local saving

    I don't believe having a local "hive" is allowed. This can cause many complications, as well as letting people without a valid CD-Key play. This is not allowed or endorsed.
  25. I'd check out your ISP connections. Pick a server with 15-60 ping. Also look at Anti-Aliasing, HDR, and post-processing effects and see if they're on low, normal, and disabled. This might help.