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Everything posted by izodn

  1. I've never had mine flash, or turn from a light grey-pink color. This is quite annoying.
  2. What color should it be when dangerous? Mine is always grey.
  3. support@battleye.com contact them, the DayZ Dev-Team has absolutely no control over BattlEye bans.
  4. izodn

    US 863 shutting server down

    Yeaahh, that first line was completely a joke, sorry for any confusion. Admins need to get their shit together.
  5. izodn

    Weapon Changes

    Have you seriously never ran into a hacker? Do you play one hour a week?
  6. izodn

    Sniping elektro with the AS50

    I don't like seeing geared people kill without looting. This is a game, yeah so it can't really be stopped. The trolls, the immature, whatever, it can't be stopped. I'd like to finally see someone wait out and kill someone for something. If I had an AS50, I know AS50 mags are rare, and would only use the gun for something useful like taking out a car of multiple people for amazing loots or food. Either way, hope you can sleep :)
  7. izodn

    Weapon Changes

    I might agree with the MP5SD, but shotguns? They do 4500 damage... and a M1014 has 8 shots... 36000 damage... PP19 has too many bullets per mag to be dropped to secondary.
  8. izodn

    US 863 shutting server down

    You should know that killing server admins is against the rules. But seriously, this kind of thing should be dealt with in a serious manor.
  9. The impact, well... I can't really rate the impact because we don't have any of the numbers... your 70% and 40% are complete assumptions. I'd say less than 70% of the database is under 18, which should mean less than 70% of all hackers are less than 18. You need to rethink your strategy, and maybe your attitude. Yes kids play, Yes hackers hack, but no, not all kids hack. There's only one good solution to all of this: Wait until the stand-alone version is released, then complain when rocket can do something about it. As for now, it's relying on battleye, so he can't.
  10. izodn

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I'd love to know my average lifespan of my characters. I've been waiting diligently for the Leader-boards to come back, but no dice.
  11. izodn

    2 tents to get rid of. Any fast fair trade?

    M14 AIM uses DMR mags. Tents are also in high demand right now. Try out http://www.reddit.com/r/dayztrade
  12. izodn

    Hacker Streaming

    Yeah, but after I told him the gun was hacked, he dropped all of his things and went on. If he's hacking, he's dumb. MOST likely, someone is hacking on the server trying to get people banned. It happens.
  13. izodn

    Hacker Streaming

    looking! Thermal AS50 He's claiming someone else spawned in the stuff.
  14. izodn

    Finally got NVG's!!!

    You should leave the unarmed, unharmed. It's not cool, bro
  15. izodn


    I don't know how to literally read the distance, but that's far. I'm in a similar boat as you, that is being new to hosting. Right now I'm only banning on disallowed scripts.
  16. izodn


    2 minutes in a straight line with the UAZ couldn't do that, I don't think. So I'd say tele. But you still can't ban on that because: Lets say I was reported by a hacker. Got any more info on that specific person/guid?
  17. Actually, the definition of "hack" is merely to get around, or into something that shouldn't. Regardless or not if they're using scrips, they're hackers. They're just using scripts to hack... Get your info.
  18. izodn


    If there's a heli, yeah.
  19. izodn

    I will never play at night

    I actually love to play at night. The feeling of "you're so fucked if you flash this light the wrong way" is as close to realistic as this game can make me feel. You seem to not like night time, but on a 1-5 player server, cherno and elektro are awesome places to loot, just be careful where you point a light.
  20. izodn

    trading for as50

    I have AS50 with 2 NATO (5-Round) that I'd be willing to trade for a Ghillie + Antibiotics. EDIT: I contacted him on Skype, arranged a trade for my AS50 + 2 5-round mags for 1x Ghillie + 1x Antibiotics. The trade seemed a bit sketchy. 1, he was in cherno, 2 he had NVGs (noob hunting, not giving my as50 for that), and the big thing, he went on "do-not-disturb" in Skype for about 10+ minutes with no contact. After scouting out our trade zone, I found nothing and got out. I would no recommend trading with this guy unless you've a squad looking out for you.
  21. izodn

    Trading my dmr+nvg

    I'm sorry... I've found a DMR + AS50 before I could get my hands on a Ghillie... Doesn't seem like a fair trade NVG for Ghillie is a little more fair. Also, rangefinder is also more rare than both.
  22. It's kind of sad. The most game-changing update I've needed so far has had no communication for over 55 hours. This update is suppose to fix the major artifacting caused by dead military corpses, and razor-wire (which I only see in front of door ways for some reason). I've been waiting for this update for some time. I've had artifacting for a couple of months now, and no it's not my hardware. I check the twitter, and announcements forums hourly expecting updates, communication, and info because the mod is in alpha stage. The team has a great product, but they're not very communicative. I'd hope for updates to keep the community informed. This next update has many people on-edge, needing information. The last update Rocket made, was a lock to a server for "1 hour", 55+ hours later, still no update.
  23. I don't think you've read all my posts, I'm being patient haha. But thanks. Would you have the link to the post for the army, I'd love a good read.