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Everything posted by izodn

  1. izodn

    Has the hive been fixed

    was the server shut down while you were in it? Sometimes there's issues with server restarts failing to send data to the hive because of DDOS. If you were in the server at all when it restarted, you may lose everything, or just specific items.
  2. izodn

    US1861 tent city

    Just noticed your signature. Might wanna update the M1911 damage. It was nerfed.
  3. Actually, if he killed the server admin, and that's what caused the restart, that's admin abuse. It's a serious issue, you might want to tone down your ass-hole instincts. This might want to go in the cheat reporting thread.
  4. izodn

    US1861 tent city

    I know of a camp on a server that I'm not naming. I have my "filter camp". Every night I take everything I can hold on me, go back and stash it in my camp, and then when I can, take it to my base on a different server. I don't think they know I'm doing it haha. I would usually keep servername and camp locations to myself, but seeing as you got banned, good for you. They shouldn't do that shit.
  5. izodn

    Some Anti-cheat ideas!

    And you're complaining on the DayZ forum. If you want to complain, go to BattlEye. Their email is [email protected]
  6. izodn

    Some Anti-cheat ideas!

    Sadly, the dev-team has little to no-control over hackers and script users. That is why I don't post about hacker complaints. The best you can do is wait til Septermber to hear something back from the Dev-Team or Rocket about developing a stand-alone version.
  7. You might be able to read minds.
  8. The M4A1 CCO SD is one of few guns with good Sights. It's uses STANAG so it's still powerful, and is also silenced. I've seen AS50s trade for these. They might not be as rare, but they're really high in demand because the other silenced weapons are <900 dmg while this is >2000 damage. You should stick with ghillie.
  9. izodn

    Makarov SD, hack or legit?

    Definitely hacked. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons
  10. izodn

    Hacking shitty mod.

    You're an idiot. Spending $15 on shit. No but seriously, I see these all the fucking time. 1 You're playing a MOD, don't spend money on mods. 2 It's in alpha, you might not know what that means, but it means far from finished. 3 Don't complain about alpha builds, it's alpha. This might be suited for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_release_life_cycle
  11. The famous words: "I've read your file" Turns out, you're an ass.
  12. I actually f-ing love this gun. 2 shot kill, night scopes, burst fire. It's an all-around great gun for night time mid-long range combat.
  13. US346 was subjected to a thunderdome script at 1:45AM GMT -8:00 PST. Don't have any idea the hackers name. Screenshot of the player list attached below. http://i.imgur.com/g3wD4.jpg Good luck server admin!
  14. Meh, worth a shot seeing as hacking is a very touchy topic. Anyway, good luck with your server! I'm sure I'll be back :D
  15. yeah, this i've seen before. Hackers for sure.
  16. I'll do that next time :). You should think about setting up a free forum for reporting and put it's website in the server description name.
  17. It gives me hope looking at this. Thank you so much! I like to see actions from admins, beans for you. Hopefully my post and roster helped.
  18. This is true, my tents keep eating my stuffs.
  19. 7 days might even be short for what bonus you get. 2 LMG in air 2k bullets, over 200km/hr, large tank. It's a crazy thing to have. I flew 3 straight hours on a 2/3 tank before it ran out. 7 days is short.
  20. izodn

    Hackers tonight

    I play at night, on low pop servers because of all the hacking.
  21. I don't know if this is affecting anyone else, but it's definitely true for my fiancee and I. I've stood in the middle of a field, at night, in rain waiting for me to start coughing to see if it's working. Not a single change to the color of the gauge. I wish the temp value came back until this is fixed (if it really is broken). Right now I just apply a heat pack whenever I find one at night. Anyone else have this problem?
  22. The respawn rate, and respawn locations are completely unknown for vehicles. You can check locations where vehicles will often spawn, often, but there's no guarantee it'll come back there at any given time.
  23. izodn


    Sorry but you can't control what an Admin bans over. If a server admin looks at the logs and sees someone with an AS50 TWS, they CAN (and sometimes will) ban for it. Regardless if you created it or not. It will not be a global ban, but yes, yes you CAN get banned locally over tiny, tiny things. If you kill an admin and they see your name, not only will they (sometimes) shutdown the server but will also (again, sometimes) kick and ban you. Rocket you don't have control over what server admins can and will do. This is unfortunate, but YES a person CAN be banned for having a hacked-in gun on them. Regardless if they picked it up, or spawned it, some admins don't care.
  24. izodn

    Finally got NVG's!!!

    Bandit... Bandit... Mindless killing. I'm a bandit, I kill others for their beans, not for that extra murder on my leader-board. Anyone who kills unarmed noobs, or anyone without looting their bodies, should rethink their strategies.