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Everything posted by Herbiees

  1. I will tell you my story. So I have been playing DayZ now for about 10 hours? When I first started playing I trusted people, and even after being killed a few times by so called 'Friendlies' I tried not to get discouraged, I just thought there were just a couple bad apples. So in my play session, things start slow (like always). I run to Cherno and start looking in the usual hot-spots. I manage to get a Makarov with about 8 mags, a tent, an Alice Pack, and then I hit a jackpot of medical supplies. I mean I didnt have enough room in my bags to get all of this. I came out with 7 blood-bags, Painkillers, Bandages, 5 Epi-pens, 6 Morphine-Injectors. I ended up dropping many Makarov mags to make space. I was getting antsy. I didn't want to lose my things so I bolted out when I was ready. As I was running past the last building on my way out of Cherno I heard someone calling 'Friendly, Friendly!' I replied that I was. I told him I was just leaving to make camp and he could come along if he wanted. This was my downfall. When we got into the treeline the 'Friendly' whipped out his Makarov and killed me. I was so devastated that after getting my first really good session, at least I think it was, some random guy, for no apparent reason, kills me when I let him into my circle of trust. :(. From now on, I think I'll be shooting first, and asking questions later. TL;DR had really good session, some 'friendly' kills me. Banditry ensues.