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Everything posted by WongFong

  1. Hello fellow survivors, and rocket i hope!!!! I think i may have a solution to the alt+f4ers out there in chernarus. How about this: 1. Bullets, hatchets, crowbars, etc. do a base damage of 200. 2. Zombies do a MAXIMUM of 199 (im not sure how you programmed their attack/damage) 3. Any player who recieves a instant damage of 200+ will NOT have the option to abort for one minute, nor will their character be alive if they alt+f4, meaning you die or force respawn. 4. Being in shock and aborting will not allow you to abort or you will be forced to respawn. This way although aborters can still zombie glitch and abort, once they get hit and if they go into shock, this will prevent them from avoiding their demise. Likewise, for any survivors who are shot, they will be "shocked" and are forced to stay. But the key part is the damage. Because all survivor oriented weapons do a base damage of 200(excluding explosives as they should cause shock regardless of damage) the game should recognize that a survivor has been shot and will not be able to leave the game for at least one minute or maybe more. This is after-all just my opinion. So what do you guys think? Think this could be implemented into the game?