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NFC Angel -ll-

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About NFC Angel -ll-

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. NFC Angel -ll-

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    Loot as in vehicles......not weapons...or backpacks... they restarted the server to make the vehicles, which were blown the fuck up, appear in restored condition....and don't even fucking try and tell me that is not possible because I have witnessed vehicles restoring back to perfect shape after being blown up as soon as the server restarts.
  2. NFC Angel -ll-

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    Learn to read the thread before you post. I am not complaining about a random server restart. I am informing the community of a restart that was done by the admins of the server in an attempt to restore some lost loot. that is all.
  3. NFC Angel -ll-

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    That was How I understood it as well. Ever since 1.7.2 I have had multiple encounters with progress being lost due to this issue. Puka, I understand that the servers restart and crash, thus is life, But I have audible proof of the admins admitting to restarting the server, and it was not due to hardware malfunction. I know I am just pissing in the wind at this point, I guess I will have to choose where I decide to play wisely.
  4. NFC Angel -ll-

    US 144 - Server restart without warning

    I am well aware of the stipulations of what an admin can and can not do pepperoni. I am not saying the admin reverted the server back a few hours, because they do not have that ability. However, if a server is restarted and you do not have time to log out, you run the risk of loosing a considerable amount of progress due to the server not pushing through all of the happenings on the server to the hive at the time of restart. Which causes players to loose progress.
  5. I was in US 444 last night with 3 of my fellow survivor group. - US 444 - sorry, typo on the thread title! Earlier in the day we had spotted the Admins group with the ural, distracted them and set a satchel charge on the road ahead, waited for them to drive by and blew up the ural. 2 hours later, found the same group south of Stary in the hippie van, threw a grenade, killed two of their group, while one hoped in the van and drove towards Stary, then he ran the van into a rock and blew up the Van. We looted the corpses, good amount of loot, rangfinders, gps, nvg, m4a1 cco sd.....etc. not 10 minutes later, without warning, the admins restarted the server, and since none of our group had disconnected to save our progress/position, when we had logged back in it had reverted us about 2 hours worth of game time, loosing all of the loot that we had earned by killing their group. I know, rule #1 of DayZ, do not get attached to your loot. I get it, and I completely understand it. However, I am ok with loosing it to bugs, debug forest, PVP so on and so forth, but I am not ok with loosing gear that was well earned and fought for, because admins loose their shit and want to restart the server in order to get some of their stuff back. Restart your server if that is how you want to play the game, Just give players ample time to disconnect before you do so we are not punished for your bad practices. I have Audio recordings of a TS conversation one of my m8's had with the admins of US 444 about the server being restarted, and I have video as well of where we were before the restart, and after without any of our spoils. Bring on the trolls...I'm sure your going to feast on this.
  6. NFC Angel -ll-

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I hear what you're saying' date=' but unlike CCP with Eve, or Blizzard with WoW - this project isn't based on a subscription model. In fact, this project isn't based on any money at all. It's a bit shit, but the only way for the experiment to continue is with mistakes. I have to keep being bold. There is a reason the game everyone always thought of was never made, and this is it. Because nobody could deal with the fallout from the insufferable process of trial and error associated with pushing the boundaries to make it happen. [/quote'] We do not pay to play DayZ. We are currently Alpha Testers. We will have our loot disappear. We will spawn in the debug forest. We will spawn in the debug plains. We will spawn as a crow or a pig(<--my favorite). We will glitch through walls and fall off of ladders. We will log out next to a vehicle and then log back in under the vehicle dying instantly. We will try and run through a door at the same time as one of our friends and die. We will log out at stary and log back in on the coast of cherno. We will die trying to pole vault over barbed wire and sand traps. We will log in after a patch, find a bear trap, set it on the ground then run into it accidentally and Die because you left your bandages in your tent which was wiped with the new patch........We will do all of these things, and we will LOVE IT. If you cant handle it, go cry in a corner, or better yet keep posting on these forums....because we all know Rocket eats sleeps and breathes your tears. Cheers Dev Team - Keep up the good work. We all look forward to new ways to die in DayZ!
  7. NFC Angel -ll-

    Banned from Dallas 22 server

    I was witness to the events and can testify on the behalf of Lefty and the Admins that run Dallas 22. I am a regular on Dallas 22, it is pretty much the only place I play. I go by the name NFC Angel -ll-. I am a 12 year member of an online gaming community called No Fear Gaming. We currently provide a public teamspeak for the players of Dallas 22. At the time all of this took place there was about 7 of us in the teamspeak that witnessed and participated in the events that led to the banning of the 37.miller guys and their friend that went by the name dontmindme. I Flipped my ATV near cherno, a regular and a member of our gaming community named Los7 -ll- came to try and help me flip it up right, but it exploded lol. After that lost headed back to where we had established a base in the tractor, and upon arriving was shot at by the members of 37.miller. Everyone was away from base at that time, so we all started to head back to base. lost and Kranoes(another regular) along with lefty made their way back to base first, and got into a firefight. Lefty and Kranoes were both killed, but before lefty got killed he lit up one of the 37.miller boys with a LMG, and before he could kill him the brat disconnected. Disco #1 After that there was no one at the base, so everyone was still scrambling to make it back to the area to defend our loot. after a couple of people died and made the run back to base, we finally ran into the 37.miller kids again. this time we had them cornered. We had Ferran, with an L85 to the north along with Oats, me to the north west, and lefty and kranoes to the south, literally boxing them in at the industrial district of Berazino. Ferran had eyes on, and lit up 2 of the 3 guys, 4 hits on one and 3 on another. So instead of turning around and fighting, all three of you disconnected like a bunch of cowards with your tails between your legs. Disco #2 3 and 4 You raided our camp - nice job, it was hidden very well. You destroyed our loot- shitty, but that is the name of the game. You blew up the vehicles - Your morons, you should have kept them. You did not get banned for anything other than being cowardly children who disconnected in a firefight, instead of standing up and taking your licks like men. It says in the server message every 10 minutes that if you disconnect during a firefight, you will get banned. This is in accordance and allowed by rocket, as disconnecting is an exploit of the game to avoid death. Furthermore, you are in no way shape or form regulars on Dallas 22. We have a group of 15 or so players that are constantly on the server. I have never seen you guys at all except for the last 2 days. I am on the game at random times, and I know who frequents our server, since I have made Dallas 22 my home. Lefty and the other admins on Dallas 22, take their role as Admins very seriously, and try and safeguard the players on Dallas 22 from Hackers exploiters, ghosters and such. They govern the players Fairly, and without bias. I am older now, and I do not tend to hang around with punk kids who troll and get their kicks off of being assholes. Lefty and the group he is with, are all Level headed mature gamers who take the game seriously, and try to keep the server held to those standards. So in closing, If you come to Dallas 22 and get into a firefight, do not disconnect until you or your adversary is dead, otherwise it will result in a ban. P.S. I do not understand the reason the moderator has banned lefty from the forums, there was no warning of misconduct. He alone pays for a server that perpetuates the livelihood of this mod, creating a safe and fair environment for like-minded players to play and enjoy the game. I am requesting on the behalf of lefty for another moderator, who is not bias, to review this thread and give ample reason as to the banning of a server admin who has up until now, had no reports of misconduct or foul play. Again, you are not a dev, you are a moderator curgon. You ask for proof, which is not in your authority to ask for, then you ban the admin because he tells you what he thinks. If this is the way the Dayz mods and Devs treat the admins who keep this game safeguarded from hackers and exploiters, then this game is doomed. You sir, have abused your powers as a moderator, and the proof is already posted in this thread.