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Zombie Squirrel

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Everything posted by Zombie Squirrel

  1. Zombie Squirrel

    Problem after the patch.

    Brat, please :) I know it's your first post here, but have you read the sticky titled READ BEFORE YOU POST? There is this important point mentioned in the troubleshooting section rules: "• Have you tried searching the forum?" Also your post is not titled well - it doesn't say anything about what the "Problem after the patch" is. There is a thread for this discussion already. please take the discussion there http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5110 Another one in Bug Reports And another popped up in General Discussion. Thank you. BTW, Rocket IS looking into the issue, he posted.
  2. Zombie Squirrel

    Arma 3 and DayZ

    See here please http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=1954 (it's a sticky thread - please do look around before posting a new one, the forums are already a mess with all the people here :))
  3. Zombie Squirrel

    Framerate issues

    Why gone? "Au revoir" means see you again... I suggest reading in bug reports section: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5010 more people are reporting it, and see page 4:
  4. Zombie Squirrel

    Balota army tent weapon rack ?

    Hi. It's more like a placement bug, against immersion a bit. Weapon racks are as interactive as any other non-inventory object in Arma 2 though - meaning not at all until you attach some script into its init field or make it interactive through other class name scripting (what you probably saw in other modes was exactly that - the object was used for some ingame purpose through scripting). The ingame object is just a model, that has no actual actions associated with it, IIRC. So currently it is in the same venue as all other "flavourings" objects like the baricades, or burned out cars, et cetera. Could be possibly, in the future, either removed (because it is plain wrong having a rack with AKs you can't use in zombie world :)), or made active (how? Having a rack full of AKs at one of the player spawn points doesn't make much sense unless zombies are tenfold in numbers...). Just now, ignore it - perhaps Rocket did have an intention why he placed it there Perhaps Rocket had a clear intention why he placed it there - although I think it was just for tempting players and getting their frustration sweet tears ;-)
  5. Zombie Squirrel

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Is there still concern about new build deployement and number of servers / players DDoSing them? How about then an Iron Man special experiment, where if you die, you are dead - for at least a full day? Meaning you cannot connect until the next day (say 24 hrs computed for each character to be fair, or a set datetime to be easy). Could be a nice experiment at least once. And, one effect, once most player population gets killed during the peak times (or doesn't connect because of fear), you would have nice mostly empty world to deploy the new build without the danger of everybody trying them out at the same time crashing everything. And Rocket, imagine all the delicious tears ;-)
  6. Zombie Squirrel

    Server Blacklisted: UK11

    Ugh, could a mod please close this thread until there is some relevant information to add? It's obviously getting into another stupid night/day name calling from random posters, not really pertaining to the subject at hand, and makes it pretty hard for people who actually want to *read* the forums to get some *useful information* on possible server hosting and game direction? Thank you.
  7. Zombie Squirrel

    Dayz Server Monitor...

    Guys, please, in case you haven't noticed, this is Dayz Server Monitor thread inside Server General section, not a discussion on whether nighttime is horrible or not. Please take that back into the dozens of threads there are in General Discussion and Suggestions. Apart from that, thank you Rocket and Mojo for explaining stuff.
  8. Zombie Squirrel

    Building Collapse?

    I think all the buildings in Chernarus are destroyable, you just need big enough gun...Probably wasn't intended for the zombies to do it (something with the way they deal scripted damage?), but it's fun when it happens :) recognise the sight? What Chernogorsk looks after 80kT nuclear explosion...
  9. Zombie Squirrel

    Difficulties in DayZ

    Like others wrote, it only affects player's helpers - 3rd person view, crosshair or iron sights only, etc. Although in vanilla Arma2 it also affects AI's default skill, but this can be overridden by the mission maker, and DayZ hasn't got any AI (although some players act like they are only AI ;-)) per se, the zombies are not using the normal AI system. Alas, most settings like crosshair, 3rd person view and markers can be set by the server operator independently of difficulty, so there are some veteran servers that do have crosshair on. Best to look for clues in server name like 3dp:1 ch:0 (3rd person view enabled, crosshairs disabled).
  10. Title says it all. Latest Chrome browser, autosave password in login to forums doesn't work - it does not pop up a query to save password for me. Probably the code for the login/pwd box is just as a form, not password dialog? Sorry if this is not the right section for this, couldn't find a better one. Specs: Window 8 CP 32bit, Google Chrome v19.0.1084.46 m
  11. Zombie Squirrel

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    Anybody wanting to have always up-to-date DayZ and Arma2 beta versions, there is in the works a simplified version of Sickboy's SixUpdater, for long THE software to get to handle mod versions and updating and launching for Arma2. SixUpdater does incremental updates meaning you only have to download the data that differ (BIG difference with some Arma mods that can take into gigabytes!). Be warned, normal SixUpdater is more geared towards Arma powerplayers, but a simple version of the launcher just for ACE or DayZ is reportedly in the works and should be out probably tomorrow.
  12. Zombie Squirrel

    Bury loot in the woods?

    Guys, it is on the dev list already, if I remember correctly. Although no word on dev status.
  13. Date/Time: 18.5.2012 What happened: Entered pond at grid 10491275, expecting to refill my canteens. Pond is too shallow, no swimming animation anywhere I could find, not possible to refill canteens Where you were: 10491275 Three Valleys pond near the bend in the road What you were doing: Trying to swim *Current installed version: 1.5.7 Priority: Low I am sure this is tied to how the refill code works at ponds, as currently it seems you have to be swimming in order to refill at a pond (apart from the sea). And pond object (ponds are actually 3D objects in Arma 2 engine, unlike the see) has some placement in terrain, and this one is shallow enough to not permit swimming. Suggestion - recode refilling canteens to work when PlayerPos is in certain distance of Pond object. Much advantages: no more swimming and loosing your gear, refilling in shallow pond, refilling from the bank. Might not be possible depending on how distance from object is calculated in engine (ie obj center or object bounding box) and what function is used to get the distance.
  14. Zombie Squirrel

    Equipment Reset When Entering Pond

    Yep, it is an engine feature - swimming for too long causes you to fatigue and throw away your gear (ever tried swimming with assault rifle, combat boots, backpack and AT launcher in RL :) ?. Although, it could be considered a bug as well - swimming fatigue is configurable in the mission or unit config, IIRC (although I am not sure if it's tied to general fatigue), and could be made a bit longer before you loose your gear. Post a suggestion possibly.
  15. Zombie Squirrel

    pro tip

    Stay away from DayZ. Everyone will kill you there :D
  16. Zombie Squirrel

    Different chemlight colors?

    IR chemlights do exist in RL. IR wavelength light is already implemented in vanilla Arma engine - this is a military simulator based game after all (IR strobes, IR laser on guns are in vanilla, IR chemlights are in ACE, IIRC)
  17. Zombie Squirrel

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    There is not so much difference in pronouncing "Braaaainz" and "Beeeanz", is there :D
  18. Zombie Squirrel

    Why does this game have so many idiots?

    Well, that has been said to him many times already. You added nothing new. On the contrary - the mentality of "kill or be killed" is limiting the world in the exact same way you wrote about. You have the freedom to go around killing people (and I wouldn't think of taking it from you of course!), he has the freedom to stand with transfusion packs unarmed in a church. From metagaming perspective, his goal is probably much more "free" then yours, gameplay wise. Let's see this through, I am interested in some updates on OP's stories
  19. Zombie Squirrel

    M107 taking up backpack space?

  20. Zombie Squirrel

    Why does this game have so many idiots?

    I fully support Kirvin. It's exactly in the spirit of the "game" - an experiment. One that he will have a lot of hard work to do, presumably, but a great one nevertheless. Keep it up!.