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About ground_sniper

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    Day Z survivor. Prepared for Hell.
  1. ground_sniper

    Now recruiting for Lingor Island Militia

    Are you the same guy on Crewgaming's server? Midnight Bliss here. Let's get a group going. I've got a bit of goodies :D
  2. ground_sniper

    I Need Major Help

    Go onto a "Recruit" server, lot of them have map enabled with a blue marker for your location. You'd just have to wait until you come back to consciousness, though.
  3. DayZ Name : Iconic Plague How long have you played DayZ : 3 months. Current character is on his 24th day. Time Zone: EST. Will you stay loyal to our group?: Indeed. What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer): Spotter/Sniper/medical assistant if need-be.
  4. Best to dust off Tribes: Ascend for tonight.
  6. You should have been an abortion. THAT would have been a fine choice of money spent.
  7. All the servers I try, get a "connection failed" prompt.
  8. Looking for someone to team up with. Make banditry with, etc. Currently outside Zelenogorsk. EST player, usually on a lot over the weekend, and around 5PM-10PM Monday thru Friday. Must have a mic. Let me know. Oh, and if you have a toolbox, it'd be nice...want to get rid of a lot of barbed wire on my home server.
  9. ground_sniper

    Barbed Wire Getting Annoying

    I still stand by my "barbed wire disappears after x amount of time after the original owner leaves the server, unless someone comes by and "saves it" themselves." that way you can still have your temp base, still leave and let someone else have it...and then have it all cleaned up after you all leave the server.
  10. ground_sniper

    NY84 [MAD] exploiters

    Hmm, that's a server I go on a lot...would be interested to see how they respond. I was just at the supermarket in zelenogorsk and the entire building was barbed wired off. (from the outside)..wonder if they did that, lol. Took me 20 minutes to get there haha, only to find that >.
  11. ground_sniper

    You know its panty shitting time when...

    Wonder how the zombies reacted to that xD
  12. ground_sniper

    What do matches look like in a loot pile?

    Haha, I hate to admit it but I've been server hopping the super market looking. I've found enough guns and food for ever, but I'm not trying to get fat and trigger happy, I wanna be a pyromaniac dammit! but thanks for the tip. Now I can try and avoid running to all the piles of green pouches ^.^
  13. I'm looking for one last piece before I get the Hell outta Cherno, and I can't find matches! Do they look like a match box or do they show in a loot pile in a green pouch (like a watch)? I've been playing two weeks, only time I've ever got any matches was off of dead players, lol.
  14. ground_sniper

    Extreme griefing with barbed wire.

    Just make players flexible like zombies...they get through the barbed wire just fine! I've been on 5 or so servers throughout today, and all of them had some loot locations barbed wired off...really annoying. Maybe tie the barbed wire to the player, so when he logs off the wire goes away after 5 minutes? or until someone "saves" it (for bases, etc).
  15. ground_sniper

    It was a nice 1v2 ..then PLANES

    It would have been fucking hilarious if they actually dropped one on you lmfao.