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Everything posted by Hair

  1. One of the admins have gone through the logs tonight and banned a lot of misbehaving people.
  2. Sorry, hard to keep up with all of these brats. Wish these asshats could start their own servers and stay there. One of the admins have gone through the logs tonight and banned a lot of misbehaving people.
  3. Sorry, hard to keep up with all of these brats. Wish these asshats could start their own servers and stay there. One of the admins have gone through the logs tonight and banned a lot of misbehaving people.
  4. Hair

    I am so pissed off at DayZ servers

    Server just need to restart and re-connect to the hive for all the things to come back i think. Check after the next restart.
  5. Hair

    Where am I?

    Looks like Drozhino.
  6. I have been banned on EU8: "You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Banned (killing debug forest))" This is not accurate, i have never killed anyone in debug forest/wilderness/planes/ocean. I was however killed by (friendly fire) last night on EU8. I wonder if the admins have banned the wrong player if this is done manually? And please, before the bashing starts about its a global BattlEye all-knowing AI system-thing that's never wrong. The reason why i ask is if this is done manually by the admins, aside from being wrongly banned, is because I'm not banned on any other servers.
  7. Hair

    Banned on EU8.

    I have nothing against the server, i like it and want to play some more on it.
  8. Hair

    [Report] Spawned in Wilderness/Debug Forest/Endless Ocean

    (Was stuck in plains/wilderness.) Was resolved with the Canada 2 trick, had to downgrade to for the char to save the new pos. Thank you!