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Everything posted by grezvany13

  1. grezvany13

    Honest solution to all of the hacked guns.

    @Chaos; the reason why there aren't that much high-end weapons, is because the game needs to be balanced. Adding even more variations of the M4/M16 (and new weapons) will only make them rarer and less useful due the ammo problem. Even though the convert ammo option is already available... @Kenny; please note that the wiki is NOT a 100% reliable source for legit or hacked weapons.
  2. grezvany13

    We need better Logs. Badly.

    You've missed one thing; Rocket and the devs are working on the standalone version of Dayz, which will include methods to prevent hackers to do their thing. The ArmA2 engine has been developed to be as open as possible, to help the community to be able to modify the game for their purposes. This includes the DayZ mod. However, any anti-cheat or anti-hack script were never an issue, because most ArmA2 players are mature enough to keep it fair. DayZ has changed the userbase of ArmA2 and therfor attracted a lot of hackers, cheaters and scriptkiddies... The only way to "fix" this is by closing the engine for modifications, which can only be done by rewriting the core of the engine and thus requires a standalone version. I'm not saying the standalone version will be hack-free, but reduced a lot compared to the current situation. The mod will be "modable" and thus have a lot of scripts running which shouldn't be there. So, you can play the game for free now, with a change of encountering a scriptkiddy, or wait till the standalone version and play ArmA2 instead with mature players all around the world.
  3. grezvany13

    Fix newer servers

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68541-no-vehicles-spawning-on-new-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/61806-no-vehicles-on-server/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/49042-us-1436-no-vehicles-server-disabled-or-hackers/ And there are even more topics about this... The reason is simple (yet nobody explained it); The HIVE sends permissions to the servers to spawn vehicles. This is a random event (may take 1 hour to 1 week), so it may take a while before a server even has a single vehicle spawned. And not to forget any problems/bugs which causes the server not to recieve permission for a spawn (eg downtime during the transmission). Also, the patch is bugged in many ways related to vehicles and tents, and this is one of them.
  4. grezvany13

    Fix newer servers

    If you had used the search function or checked the bug reports you would have known it's a known bug and it's advisable to use and wait till 1.7.3 instead of playing with the (non supported) files.
  5. This depends on the weapon, the ammo and (although not in DayZ) the weather like wind, temperature, humidity, etc. I know there are some spreadsheets which have all the numbers and charts, but these most of them changed with the latest ArmA2 patch. Please note that stance (stand, crouch and prone) and your current state of mind (have you walked or ran, or is someone shooting you) effects your aim. And after each shot you need to "rest" to get perfect aim again, so taking time for each shot will increase you accuracy. Also lag may cause some weird hits (or misses). I've played a lot of ArmA2 online before DayZ even existed and I've learned where to shoot (aim high or low), when to shoot (resting before firing) and how to shoot (single, burst or auto fire). It may take some time to learn, but playing ArmA2 (even singleplayer missions) will teach you how the weapons work and will improve your game in DayZ.
  6. grezvany13

    Server Reporting Whats The Point?

    Or maybe you should read the stickies and learn how to write a proper report... I've check a couple of your "reports" but none of them are comform the guidelines and therefor not handled by the administrators...
  7. grezvany13

    Server Reporting Whats The Point?

    I've seen servers being banned from the HIVE faster then someone could write a report. However; most of the time there's not enough proof of very questionable. Also, people tend to write (incomplete) reports at the forums, while there is a report system which works a lot faster and is checked more often than the forums.
  8. The effective range does what it does; it's most effective when shooting something at that range. This useally means that the (fixed) zeroing is set at this distance, and bullet drop (due lower speed, and thus less damage) occurs after that distance. The optimal range to fire the AKM is under 400 meters, but by increasing the zeroing you can use the sight/scope at higher distances without doing it manually (aim higher/lower then target compaired to the center of the aimpoint). Zeroing only adjusts the sight/scope, but at larger distances then the effective range the bullet/round will still do less damage. This depends on the sight or scope used. But aiming at the upper torso should do the trick in this case. Please note that the bullets/rounds are fired from the barrel and therfor fired from shoulder height (is aiming down sight). So, since you aim higher (due the higher zeroing), you need to aim a little lower because of the short distance to the target. Although this is excact science, it requires practice to now excactly where to aim for perfect results. All weapons have zeroing, although most at fixed. Eg. the M4A1 has a (fixeD) zeroing of 300 meters, but at 50 meters the bullet travels a couple of inches above the point you aimed. So with the M4A1 you should aim for the chin to hit the target between the eyes ;)
  9. grezvany13

    problems with dayZ and Lingor Island

    DayZ Lingor is a totally different mod then DayZ, and not supported by the DayZ developers. If you wish to play DayZ again, you'll need to disable the @dayz_lingor mod and activate @dayz again. The difference between and is basically nothing and I even suggest to stick with till 1.7.3 is released due some major bugs.
  10. grezvany13

    L85 + AS50 vs L85 + M14

    Depends on your play style and role (if playing in groups)... But having a L85 and an AS50 is terrible for short range, so unless you only snipe and hit people who haven't seen you; I suggest you take a long-range and a mid-range weapon (AS50 + M4). Even though the L85 is an assault rifle, the AWS scope is useless in mid and close range situations. Personally I try to avoid this weapon, unless I'm a spotter for a sniper. My favorite combo for solo or small team: - DMR - M4A1 CCO SD - M9 SD When playing with more people I change my weapons depending on my role, which useally is sniper (AS50) or spotter (L85).
  11. You know you've played too much DayZ, when you check the loot locations while playing ArmA2!
  12. grezvany13

    How do you update Arma 2?

    How did you buy ArmA2:CO? Since I guess you used Steam to buy and download it. If that's the case; just run Steam and it should update to the latest version by itself. However, DayZ requires the beta patch and of course the latest version of DayZ itself. For this you can use SixUpdater, SixLauncher or DayZCommander.
  13. grezvany13

    Tents/vehicles not saving gear

    Yes, to make sure tents and vehicles store items you should downgrade to again. Yesterday evening I spoke a server admin who found this same problem and they downgraded after which all the problems were solved. The patch was intended to fix the graphical glitches, but causes way more problems instead (and still doesn't fix the artifacs).
  14. grezvany13

    Tents/vehicles not saving gear

    It's a know bug and only applies to (which isn't an official patch btw). The bug is very simply; it only stores the items in your tent and vehicle at the first save, after that it won't send the data to the HIVE anymore. You want to to submit a detailed bug report, but since it's already known I don't think it will help much unless you discovered something else.
  15. grezvany13

    End Game / Nothing to do

    I don't think DayZ needs a PvE section (we already have zombies) or a real endgame, since there shouldn't be an end unless it's death. If I may (and I do) believe the answers Rocket gave yesterday on Reddit, DayZ will become way more interesting in the standalone version: - more players per server (80 to 100!) - more enterable (and lootable) buildings, and thus more balanced - more "low-grade" weapons (melee incl. hand-to-hand, homemade weapons, etc.) - more side-locations to go; other islands, underground, etc.
  16. grezvany13

    The Island

    I like your idea, but not as a part of DayZ... To be honest, DayZ should not have an "end game" or "final destination" in anyway. But it's a great script for a SP or COOP mission; - you spawn at a random location - you'll have to find other survivors (optional, but advisable) - you'll have to reach a random location at a dangerous location (eg NW Airfield in Chernarus) - here you'll find a NPC (as described in TS) - you'll have to go to a second location (even more dangerous) and find a chopper - repair the chopper - escape the island with the chopper and win the game
  17. Yeah, it would be very realistic if you found a weapon without magazines/clips or with just a few bullets/rounds left. So I vote to this idea! But (there's always a "but"), I'm not sure if it's easy to build in... since it means it needs to spawn the mags/clips with random bullets/rounds and store that at the server, untill someone picks them up. It's possible, although I'm not sure if the perfomance loss is worth more than the extra dimension of survival.
  18. grezvany13

    Looking for Dutch players!

    Zelf speel ik bij een grote Nederlandstalige multigaming clan (Double Dutch Clan) waar er regelmatig ARMA2 en DayZ wordt gespeeld. Het niveau is zeer wisselend; van beginners tot mensen die ook aan het grotere werk meedoen. Sindskort hebben wij ook een ARMA2/DayZ Squad en hebben op dit moment zo'n 40 members. Uiteraard worden er ook andere games gespeeld en ook daar is iedereen welkom. Gezien wij tegen de 600 leden hebben, is er natuurlijk een eigen forum en TS server beschikbaar waar er altijd wel iemand online is. Voor meer informatie mag je gerust een PM sturen, of gewoon even op onze website kijken (link staat in m'n signature).
  19. grezvany13

    New Survival/Bandit Group starting

    Zelf speel ik bij een grote Nederlandstalige multigaming clan (Double Dutch Clan) waar er regelmatig ARMA2 en DayZ wordt gespeeld. Het niveau is zeer wisselend; van beginners tot mensen die ook aan het grotere werk meedoen. Sindskort hebben wij ook een ARMA2/DayZ Squad en hebben op dit moment zo'n 40 members. Uiteraard worden er ook andere games gespeeld en ook daar is iedereen welkom. Gezien wij tegen de 600 leden hebben, is er natuurlijk een eigen forum en TS server beschikbaar waar er altijd wel iemand online is. Voor meer informatie mag je gerust een PM sturen, of gewoon even op onze website kijken (link staat in m'n signature).
  20. grezvany13

    Larger map + more players

    I'm sure the devs can improve the engine now that they're building a standalone version, just by modifying code at core level. However, it's still the same engine and therfor still bound to it's limits. As for the zeds; these are handled by the server untill they aggro (pathfinding is moved to client), however it still needs to send the zed location from client X to all the other clients (requires CPU at server). I hope Rocket may use the new codes from ARMA3, since it (should be) improved a lot compaired to ARMA2. Maybe you need to to learn to read the news and updates, since the standalone version of DayZ will still use the VR engine, and therfor still uses the same MP system. However, just like I said, the dev team might (and I hope they will) use the improved coding from ARMA3 and/or create their own improvements especially for DayZ. This will still mean that the problems with multiplayer in ARMA2/ARMA3/DayZ will exists. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see more players in Chernarus and I would love to see other official maps supported in DayZ, but based on my knowledge of programming I don't see this happen anytime soon. But I'm sure Rocket and the devs will suprise us with great new features and might even include this wish we have.
  21. To all the Dutch/Flemish readers here: I'm a member of a Dutch multi gaming clan called Double Dutch Clan and I'm the Squad Leader of the ArmA2/DayZ Squad (basically responsible for the ArmA2 members). At this time we almost 600 members in total and about 40 members playing ArmA2 and DayZ (of which 10-15 active). Our main objective is to have fun while gaming, but you can also play seriously and even professionally (eg. we have a BF3 eSports team) We're always looking for new members to play with and signup is always open. So, if you're 16 years or older and like to play with other people, check our website at www.doubledutchclan.nl and join us!
  22. grezvany13

    Dayz manual install mirrors?

    The reason why there's only one location to download from is because of SixUpdater. SixUpdater has mulitple server from where it hosts the files and updates and ensures you always have the latest version. In case you don't like SixUpdater (I don't see why, but I won't blame you), you try DayZCommander.
  23. grezvany13

    Question for Rocket

    Also, make sure you follow the @dayzdevteam twitter and www.dayzgame.com for more information!
  24. Just like HanoverFist said; before running DayZ make sure you've started both ARMA2 and ARMA2: Operation Arrowhead (and available DLC's) to set the CD KEYS.This will fix problem and has been told a lot of times at the forums and the FAQ.
  25. grezvany13

    PMC+BAF help needed

    You might want to try to run PMC and BAF before running DayZ with these mods enabled, this will likely fix your problem since it will ask for your key's before starting the games. Especially when bought from Steam this is a required step to make everything work as it should.