well i've been playing DayZ for quite a while now and in my opinions this is what should be added etc you name it -more accurate crossbow so it actually makes it worth picking it up. -attachable equipment to weapons I.e attaching a ACOG scope to a assault rifle or De-taching sights -Random spawns (so you dont spawn at the coast at all times whic makes it so easy to pick up new players when they spawn this would reduce the chance of getting spawn killed alot has happened to me some times) - starting out with a random loadout like currently we start with a flashlight a bandage and some other supplies how about randoming it a bit some times you start with an axe for example some times with something else its supposed to be realistic isnt it? i dont suppose every survivor starts with the same things in real life - perhaps more clothes or being harder to be seen by zombies in a ghillie? (not sure if thats there already but i havent seen it while i had a ghillie on) - perhaps adding sleeping bags like you go put it down lay down in it log out and it regenerates some blood faster or heals broken bones after so and so many hours and this Dear developers of DayZ is what should be added