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About Raoulmon

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Is there any way to find out what servers I have recently played on? I stopped playing a few hours ago and had an ATV parked up, now I can't remember what the server name was and can't get back to my ATV. Is there any kind of recently played server list or way of finding out what was the last server played?
  2. This just happened, been waiting to put this gun to use properly for a while ^_^.
  3. Two days ago I was playing on my own with a fresh character. I spawned at Komorovo and ran north, killed 6 people on my travels and got some good gear then logged out for the night. Yesterday I logged in and was forced to make a new character. I wasn't dead when logged out but I was still forced to make a new character. I played this new character for a while, ran north, my friend located and secured a crashed heli and I got an M107, we killed a player and looted him and I took nvgs, range finder, bizon sd and loads of other stuff. I logged out for the night. I came on today to play. I log in and it puts me on my original character with the 6 kills from two days ago, not the character I was playing last night. I have one serial key, both character were on the same profile, same name, skin etc - I didn't change profile or serial number. I literally did nothing other than log in and out. Any idea what's going on?
  4. Raoulmon


    Kill that character and your original one will return. Day Z Development ‏@dayzdevteam For those who "lost" their character, we just transferred 41177 characters over to the new ID system. Will load when current character dies.
  5. Just now I was happily running around DE111 at night, just a few other people on the server. I was running around the north border looking for camps and vehicles, mainly vehicles to drive around in. I was searching around, nice and snug in my ghilli, nice vision with my nvgs, and nice and silent with my m4a1 CCO SD. First of all I spotted a bus, a bit battered so I left it be. I ran about 10 meters in another direction and found a flatbed truck with 3 tents around it. I went about scooping up all the gear and putting it in the truck. There was something like: 1xDMR 3xM21 1xMP5SD 3xM1911 + loads of ammo and other stuff. I put it all in the truck. Jumped in, turned the engine on pressed forwards and instantly the truck veered into a tree and exploded. I apologise for blowing up all your gear and your truck. I only meant to steal it. I smugly took this picture moments before obliterating your camp... and myself.
  6. Raoulmon

    AS50 Ammo

    Thank you :)
  7. Raoulmon

    AS50 Ammo

    I found a nice AS50 by a chopper crash site yesterday, absolutely love it. Problem is one of my mags seemed to have disappeared so now I only have one magazine with 5 shots. I heard somewhere that it can use M107 magazines? Is this true? It's the same calibre round, I think the only difference is the number of rounds in the magazine. Can they be converted or used at all? The AS50 magazines seem really rare. Cheers :)