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Posts posted by UndeadPlushDollz

  1. Hello community,

    I've purchased DayZ quite a while ago, but actually haven't sat down and played it for time's sake. Now that I do have the time I've played a couple hours but I feel so lost, so many inaccessible structures, I can't tell which I can enter and which ones I cannot. It'd be awesome to just have someone else to play with too (The silence paired with just the music and sounds kind of bores me).

    I'm a big fan of survivor simulations though [having played the new I Am Alive game, and The Walking Dead].

    So leave a message or PM me if you're interested in playing with a newbie. Trust me, I'll become an asset far faster than I will be a liability :P

  2. Hey Forum,

    I started playing DayZ, got used to sneaking and tested the zombie's aggro range and etc to make sure what my limits were.

    Now when I try to scavenge for any kind of supplies I haven't found a single thing, a majority of structures that I come by are inaccessible for the most part, it's really frustrating.

    Any advice?
