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Everything posted by dobblin

  1. dobblin

    Cant see direct communication chat

    Bump. Confirmed that sixupdater installed the beta patch. Even reinstalled Arma2 CO (steam) and sixupdater to make sure. Other players confirm they can see my direct communications but I am unable to read theirs. Makes surviving hard when you can't read chat :(
  2. dobblin

    Can't see other peoples direct comms?

    Bump, same problem. On servers with side chat enabled, other players tell me they can read my direct comms, but I can't read text from anyone else in that channel.
  3. dobblin

    Chat doesn't work. I cannot communicate,

    Same problem. I'm running SixUpdater, have the most current beta patch and DayZ files. Other players can read my Direct Communication messages, but I can't read chat from anyone else. Any fixes out there?