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DragonKnight (DayZ)

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About DragonKnight (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Deleted file Chernarus and addon CH building parts?

    It wont run as CO
  2. When i load arma 2 for dayz it says im missing an addon called CH pr Ca building parts and when i try to play an dayz game it says you cant play deleted content Chernarus Can someone help me. Also this is on steam
  3. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Dleted file chernarus HELP

    I posted a thread earlier that was mis spelled and stuff. But i need help each time i try to log on to a server it says could not join deleted file chernarus plz help
  4. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Deleted file ceranus? WTF

    I need some help changing the default world to chernarus i mis spelled chernarus im sure so i have to run arma 2 not Arma 2 OA?
  5. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Deleted file ceranus? WTF

    It keeps telling me i cant run day z because of a deleted file called something like ceranus HELP PLZ
  6. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Scariest experience in DAYZ? SHARE!

    I was playing on someone elses at night time and i was walking around a farm or something and i found a zombie i killed it and suddenly 5 zombies surround me a rape me. It was scary as hell.
  7. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Do I need ARMA 2 CO?

    Thx now i can stop banging my head on a wall
  8. DragonKnight (DayZ)

    Do I need ARMA 2 CO?

    I want to get this mod but it says i need Arma 2 CO and I have Arma 2 and Arma 2 operation arrowhead. Will i be able to download this mod?