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Mattio (DayZ)

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About Mattio (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Lets say it wasn't a trap. If i came accross that stuff, i'd take it. No one is going to return it to you.. Sorry bud, but survival priorities..
  2. I understand what you're saying, but you are suggesting the exact same thing but less realistic. In a realistic sense, my idea would be better. Because actually killing a human in real life would make you feel bad, sick, nervous, paranoid etc... Hence poorer survival performance. The idea of constant flies is not realistic at all, if you kill someone in real life you don't have flies following you around hinting you're a murderer. And this discriminates vs pvpers too, because anyone with flies, you will just kill them with no mercy. You will know that if you don't kill them, they will kill you. Which solves nothing at all. Why do you think Bandit skins were removed? And having this happen after you die is even more bizarre. I do understand having aiming disadvantages etc would be very disadvantageous, it's not discriminating against PvPers, but this is not supposed to be a pvp game, it's a realistic survival game. If this happened in real life, no way would we all say "lets go hunt people to kill" in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Obviously not all aspects can be made perfectly to fit real life but right now, the pvp needs a system
  3. As mentioned a few times here. PvP is great but needs a system that isn't TDM. Right now it's mostly just, spawn > get gun > kill anyone you see > take their stuff > repeat last 2 steps. Although I agree, we should come together as humans to make things better. But in game it doesn't matter who lives or dies, and because this game aims for realism it shouldn't let you kill without an affect. I think we need some sort of "mentality", not morality. Generally putting Motivation, Will, Stress, Happiness, Paranoia & similar emotions into 1 bar of general Mentality. Have killing zombies increase the bar, because it would have the same effect in real life. But killing players, as conscious beings would increase the bar a lot more. The bar would have an effect on sickness & focus, which would give you slower running speeds, worse aim stability & slower reload / melee swing speed. Or something similar to that. That will effect gameplay quite a lot. Instead of running up & killing players without thinking, people would be careful of their mentality. Not being able to cope with murder... etc And the bar will go down very slowly, and an item to find like stress relief pills or something similar to take away some of the insanity. That's my view on it anyway
  4. Mattio (DayZ)

    Late NIght UK Groups?

    I prefer gaming at night time but ingame darkness is crazy alone xD Me & another guy met up the other day using skype, would be nice to get some others added & get a little group going. Steam: HardstyleMatt Skype: IStoleAPenguin
  5. Mattio (DayZ)

    [83rd] Honor Guards UK based group recruiting

    This sounds epic, I started playing the other day & it sucks alone, so i'm happy to join though my steam has messed up, not letting me add anyone. Will add you when it lets me Or if you guys can add Steam: HardstyleMatt
  6. Mattio (DayZ)

    Survivors Assemble!

    Same here, in England & no one to play with. & my steam has gone full retard mode, not letting me search anyone, I'll add when it lets me. Or add me if it lets you steam: HardstyleMatt