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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Buff zombies. Buff things that influence team play.
  2. Gots my beans. Anything to add realism is a Plus in my eyes.
  3. Well adding some old russian fire arms would be good for a standalone. Definetly needs to be littered with SKS's and Mosin Nagants.
  4. Something that would be cool is to make a limited edition when the standalone is released. Make it double the price of the original but include a real in game map, soundtrack, and T shirt. I would gladly pay 100 dollars for that. But then again.......id pay 100 dollars for a DayZ Standalone to begin with lol.
  5. It has been saying 995k unique players all day today. So i'm sure its to 1 million by now. I just wanted to say congratulations and say thanks for making DayZ. The numbers really show! Thanks Rocket!
  6. Luckiest = Dodged and weaved 2 guys with enfields and took them out with a 1911. Unluckiest = Parked my ATV and traveled into some woods for about 150m. Pitched tent in tree to hide it. Walked up to it to put guns and stuff in it. Wasn't giving the icon to open tent. Walked around it multiple times and still nothing. I lay down next to it and SNAP broke my legs and brought me to 3k Life before I could reach my ATV that had my medical supplies in it. (passed out 2 times or so during this long process) Then waited an hour and a half for my bro to bring me some morphine. (passing out periodically while waiting)
  7. Well if he doesn't have the funding to make a standalone. Im sure if he did a donations box for a standalone with a set goal im SURE that it would reach it. If he gave people things for donations like if you donate 25 dollars you get a Can of beans from rocket. You donate 50 dollars you get a DayZ shirt and a can of beans from rocket. And if you donate 100 dollars you get a can of beans, a shirt, and a free Standalone DayZ when it comes out or something like that. Even doing something like that would inspire people to give funding for it. But even doing just a simple donations would give him a lot of funding.
  8. I am a Iron sight lover when using an Assult rifle. Unless its the M4SD or the L85 which I have my reasons to use those lol. So between the M4 and AKM I would take the AKM. It does more damage and its ammo is easy to find.
  9. There is just no reason not to shoot someone. Once more things are released to make people want to work together then maybe just maybe people wont want to shoot on site. Realism is that most people want to work together in a situation with a common enemy. And there are still the nut jobs that have to be removed. But as of now its just DeathmatchZ. Just wait for another 6 months or so when the standalone comes out.
  10. I would glady pay 60 dollars for the stand alone
  11. Couldnt of said it any better myself.
  12. A 15 second timer would of been perfect in my opinion. Not to long to think someone has come by and bagged you or not. And not so short that a dude can just walk into a building and hunker down and leave. I didnt notice the body dupe problem. Maybe for the standalone then.
  13. Actually they are everywhere especially in forests. Its just they are so camouflaged that you cannot find them.
  15. THIS ^ I have all the military gear to pull this off anyway lol. Im going to make a video. As soon as I find a friend with a camera.
  16. killashrub324815@gmail.com

    DB Wipe

    As long as hackers exist in game. There will always be hacked crap in there wake. With or without a DB.
  17. Standalone version will definitely have this issue fixed im sure.
  18. I say no to the whole zombie wielding weapons. Its suppose to be infected humans with simple body mechanics is all that is left that the body can register. Now I would like to see Infected Military Personnel that are wearing armor plating that are harder to kill.
  19. I am all for realistic suggestions to make this simulator more realistic. If the tarp actually "Hides" it and not make it easier to see like the so called "Camo" Tent that is not camo at all then I am all for it. Also add the ability to refill canteens while raining from tarp since people have been doing it ever since fabric has been invented for this purpose.
  20. killashrub324815@gmail.com

    DayZ Marksmanship

    Very helpful stuff for the new dude.
  21. Yea I think the raw meat should give around as much health as the canned food does. And the punkin patches...........wish we could eat them.
  22. From my experience, Kill people who already have them.
  23. How did you do the video? Ive been wanting to do a few trailors. How was the camera done and other things like that?
  24. i like the fire idea