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Everything posted by Longs

  1. Longs

    Release the standalone already

    150k isn't a lot of people really. Especially when apparently we had over a million not so long ago. Besides they're mostly running round Cherno/Elekro with Enfields and Winchesters playing deathmatch gayness with a side order of zombies because the artifacts in places like Starey or the NWA makes those areas almost unplayable. Then because the script kiddies can see what gear you have the second you find something rare one will teleport to you and kill you. To sum it up for you fella, you can't play the mod at the moment as Rocket originally intended. So it's dead for now.
  2. My spidey sense detect bullshit in this trade offer.
  3. Longs

    Release the standalone already

    I'm rapidly getting bored of DayZ :( I can't save any gear in tents atm as they just respawn after a reset with the same stuff they had from a month ago. I can't play or do any pvp due to script kiddies, every night last week me and my friends went looking for some action up at Stary or NWA. Every time either a script kiddie with god mode killed us or we got teleported and nuked. We tried different servers every night so now none of my friends wants to play it any more they'd rather play something else or wait for the stand alone game. Wonderful. :( Battleye has failed. I think I can safely say script kiddes have killed this mod.
  4. Clan of pussies that Alt-F4 when getting shot at.
  5. Like the title says, this bunch of pussies combat logged. They trashed one of our camps and tried to ambush us with their Ghillie suits on when we came back but can't aim for shit, all three of them combat logged when they got shot but one of them Al Capone was too slow exiting the game :P.
  6. Longs

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    Ahahaha, you and your faggot buddies with all your sweet gear tried to jump two guys then ran like the cowards you all are when you all failed miserably at the most simple of ambushes. Better luck next time chump, maybe if your fingers weren't so fat you might have been able to Alt-F4 quicker :D never mind I'll continue to look after the gear I prised out of your cold dead hands pussy :P
  7. This is annoying as hell. On the one had we have people exploiting it like mad so they can replace their epic gear each time they die yet on the other hand you have genuine players like me that want to stash some odd bits like spare matches, food, medical supplies, ammo, different gun etc Only for the broken bugged to shit tent/vehicle to delete your gear or revert to a previous save when you only had a tin of beans in the tent! Why aren't choppers saving either? They are so hard to find and the two we have found over the last month have just failed to save and vanished at the first restart... Yeah I know it's an Alpha as the fanbh0ys will cry but this crap does nothing for the game. The duping of gear is the reason why we get random squads of blinged up to the max with uber gear clanmates jumping on the server and shooting up all the noobs then quitting the second they die to return to their home server and re-equip on their duped gear. It's worth pointing out that script kiddies encourage people to duplicate gear because people feel it's justified if some little faggot teleports you into the sea or kills you with a mass kill script. Most honest people can handle losing their stuff to a legit kill maybe even to a bug or glitch but not to some bored 12 year old brat on summer holidays with nothing else better to do.
  8. Longs

    Vehicles disappeared (US2)

    Vehicles constantly vanish on my server after a restart. We've only found a chopper twice and been able to fix it up only for it to vanish when the server restarts. Most frustrating, we do save them as well. It's got to the point where we consider vehicles useless now and the next chopper we get we will just use for lols shooting fresh spawn noobs on the beach while playing Vietnam tunes like Fortunate Son over direct chat because it will vanish the second the server restarts.
  9. They can let admins ban these little script kiddies from their servers for a start. Us admins can then pass a blacklist of known script kiddies between each other.
  10. Had to shut my server down because a script kiddie kept coming on and teleporting people, it ruined the evening because one moment the server was full then most people quit and left which is sad. Script kiddies are killing this game and Battleye is worthless because it's too easy to bypass it. I knew nothing about scripting but after 1 hour of reading I feel I know enough to spawn stuff and teleport, so if a numptie like me could potentially do it then this mod has no future. I already play with mediocre weapons and gear purely because I expect to get killed by a script kiddie for the hundredth time, Rocket seriously needs to wake the hell up and realise what it happening, server admins need to be given the tools and power to sort this out themselves before this mod is killed before it's even got going. At the moment if a script kiddie comes on my server and starts teleporting people I can shut the server down within seconds and save most if not all the legit players. I can then trawl the logs to find the little tosser trying to spoil everyone's fun but I'm not allowed to ban him.....WTF Rocket change your retarded terms of service.
  11. Longs

    If battle eye were to..

    Wouldn't work because there's no way to tie a person that has been banned playing BF3 to a different game. You'd need some way to connect all the games to one player that could be recognised by all 3 anti-cheat programs. The only thing I can think off would be an ip address but for some people these change so it's not reliable which is why games use a unique ID specific and unique to that game.
  12. Longs

    Why do YOU Kill On Sight?

    I used to not kill on sight but after being fucked over constantly for being nice to people or not shooting on sight I now usually fire on sight when I see people. It depends though, I bumped into someone as I was leaving the south barracks at the North World Airfield; I just legged it rather than shoot.
  13. Longs

    Spawning unconsious

    lol awesome sauce :P
  14. Longs

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    Why did I put an E on the end lol Tbh a Ghillie suite sounds awesome I'd go for one of them 3 seater ones that's L shaped with a poof to put my feet on.
  15. Script kiddies can see what gear you have as well and are likely to target players with good gear purely because they think it's funnier to kill someone that's spent longer getting their gear. It's why I stick to basic stuff now if a script kiddie kills me I'm not going to be too put out.
  16. Longs

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    Just an update, I found the body of Al Capone, the one that was too slow trying to quit. He had it all lol Weps: M4A3 CCO, M14 AIM, M9 SD and grenades Uniform: Ghillie Suit Tools: Hunting Knife, Matches, GPS, Compass, Watch, Hatchet, Toolbox, Entrenching Tool and Flashlight Optics: Rangefinder and NVG Bag: Coyote Backback Misc: Lots of food and meds If his two douchebag buddies were kitted out like this there is no way they should have failed to take me and my friend out especially as neither of us had NVG only an NVG scoped weapon.
  17. Longs

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    We should have been toast tbh.
  18. Longs

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    It was dark, neither of us had nvgs just one FAL with a nightvision scope and I was too busy shooting to take pictures lol. My friend was recording on fraps earlier he might have recorded the fire fight, I dunno lol. What happened was we came back to the camp and found one tent flattened and the uaz wreaked :(. At that point we started getting shot at so we ran in opposite directions and went prone, my friend had the FAL spotted 3 people in ghillie suits. I had a Lee Enfield so I moved round on their flank making lots on noise and drawing their fire so my buddy could take them out which he did and they logged.
  19. Longs

    Bad things you do for fun

    Place a bear trap at the base of the ladder near a well used dear stand. Then get some coffee and watch from a distance.
  20. Longs

    Graphical Issues

    It's the dead soldiers at military locations that do this for me, not military zombies the dead soldiers that are placed at military locations.
  21. Was on our server last night teleporting around killing everyone and setting off huge explosions. It's the same loser we had before called "Jamie" he's just changed his name to "[WMGG]OwnedLikePie" One of my friends reported it to the dev team but they haven't done anything, not even got back to him. So for anyone else that hates cheating script kiddies here is this one's GUID 00f8f769f3cc9e4aaf15c94b7f67b243 We also have his ip and have contacted his ISP with our logs to ask them what their stance is on their customers running malicious scripts on other people's property. So it looks like his mummy and daddy will be getting an angry letter from the isp saying they have been cut off.
  22. Well there's rockets terms of service that say server admins cannot ban except for racism and spamming although I don't agree with that, I think admins should be able to ban script kiddies. Also our server provider restricts access to the ban list which I assume is to prevent admins from breaching the Dayz tos. I would love to ban people from my server but sadly I can't :( I'd only ban for scripting tho as combat logging or server hopping can have legitimate reasons even tho in most cases its people trying to escape death (combat logging) or farming loot (server hopping) lol.
  23. Sorry but trolling (bullying people on Facebook, abusing people on Twitter for example) is against the law in the UK and people have been imprisoned for it. I also said the that the person was arrested for abusing someone I never said anything about being charged. Running malicious scripts is against the tos of most isps here in the UK. When you sign up for an internet contract here you agree not to use it for reasons such this. I know the difference between hacking and scripting it's why I don't refer to the people that cheat as hackers, they are script kiddies who have copy and pasted something someone else has written. Lastly your not allowed to ban the hacker it's against Rocket's tos. Your supposed to report it to the Dev team and they will ban from the hive. We've done this and nothing has been done because the dev team are too busy/don't care.