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Posts posted by Exileosi

  1. Duo looking to team up with friendly like minded players.

    We are in our mid-20's and are looking for people around the same age but are willing to forgo this if you're a mature person.

    We aren't the type to take this serious(it's vidya after all and not real life army men), but we aren't the types to screw off and kill our team mates either.

    We are looking for a group to head north with eventually(we aren't even very picky about gear(we just died anyways and lost our nice stuff we had been collecting for the past few days, so we are re-gearing and don't mind new players)). Looking to collect a few vehicles if possible and establish a camp somewhere(never done either full out before so open to camp newbs also!(as in setting one up..not killing newbs for beans))

    We play CST - US servers, but can do anything really so long as our ping isn't atrocious.

    Feel free to send a message here via pm, or via skype: Exileosi

  2. Looking for friendly group. US-CST player, Just started a few days ago, still pretty newbish I suppose.

    I play around 12pm-5pm CST, though that can vary based on group times.

    Just looking for friendly non-bandit players to meet up, collect weapons/supplies and advance with. I am flexible on servers.

    Skype: Exileosi

    or pm on here.

  3. I have a question. I hope it doesn't come off as rude. Why do so many people go out of their way looking for help when they have nothing on them that they couldn't find again within 10 minutes of spawning? This is one of the main reasons I don't go out of my way to heal anyone on/near the coast.

    I have stuff that's valuable to me, and I've been alive for awhile now so I really don't want to die. It took me awhile to get the stuff I have. If need be I will crawl to cherno myself. It will just take me forever.
