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About SineDeviance

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  1. SineDeviance

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Yes. A thousand times yes. The only purpose it serves is for trolling players. If you disagree, you're one of those trolls.
  2. SineDeviance

    HiFormance.com | 40 SLOTS FOR ONLY $25.00!

    I just noticed that all the servers have been rented. Will you have more available soon?
  3. SineDeviance

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    I'm sorry but I'm a little confused by what you're implying here. The AS50 and the M107 are legitimate DayZ weapons that are actually in the loot table. They are not that difficult to find. I come across them at helicopter crash sites or at tent camps with some regularity (whether or not the ones I find in tents are legit is, of course, up to debate.) If you're saying that scripters frequently spawn into the game with them, well, I admit I've seen that too. That's why you'd do well to find and keep a legit M107 on you at all times. I do just that and I have taken down quite a few scripters. You could beat them at their own game if you tried.
  4. SineDeviance

    Do dead players turn into zombies?

    What probably happened was, the body disappeared, and right at that moment a mil-spec Zed aggro'd to you and glitched through the wall. I've seen similar things happen.
  5. SineDeviance

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    Honestly, I'd be quite content if they simply fixed (yes, fixed) the zig-zag movement and Kenyan-grade running speed, which makes them impossible to target unless you're going for center mass shots (and even then it's not easy.) I'm not an FPS god like a lot of people that probably play this game. Most of the time I have to wait until they run up close and personal before I can get a solid line on a headshot. However, I do prefer a "Lots more Zeds, slow Romero-style movement" approach. It has worked very well in lots of games (The entire Resident Evil series, Dead Rising, STALKER, etc.) and I think it would work equally well in DayZ. Fast ghouls are only good for shock value in my opinion, and that largely wears off after the first five or ten G's (slang for ghoul, heh) you encounter. Slow, shambling masses are much more frightening in this player's opinion, because it presents you with a situation where you'd sometimes need to expend most (if not all) of your ammunition to put down the entire horde. I'd rather have a realistic option of running away as compared to simply running around a wall and going prone. And that's if you manage to somehow run faster than Zack (more slang) which ain't likely.
  6. SineDeviance

    Running the game

    I don't think you should be having any issues, I have a similar (slightly more powerful) build. Gigabyte GA-P55-USB3 Core i3-530 dual core @ 2.93ghz (overclocked @ 3.53) 4 (2x2) GB dualchannel G.Skill Ripjaws DDR3-1600 XFX ATi HD5850 1GB @ stock clocks Windows 7 Ultimate x64 I get anywhere from 25-45fps in towns, to 60+fps in the wilderness. All visual settings on Highs/Very Highs except post-processing, which I always leave Off. I tend to run AA Off (as it is useless with my rendering setup, as you'll see) and AF on Normal. In lieu of post-processing I have the interface res at 1920x1080 (my monitor's native res) but the renderer is set to 85% of that resolution, or somesuch, which produces a nice blur effect that makes the game look more realistic while actually giving me a slight framerate boost. Still, the game is generally very playable in all situations. I haven't had any hard lockups or crashing, but YMMV.
  7. SineDeviance

    Your most insane lucky streak

    About four hours ago I logged into Kansas 1 after a week+ long hiatus from the game. At the time, I pretty much had the intention of seeking out a survivor and starting a firefight with them so I could die and respawn. I spawned back in just north of Vybor where the barn is, and had a DMR, M4A3 CCO backup, and a Glock 17 on my survivor. Immediately after spawning in I turn around and notice a heli crash right there in front of me. Found an FN FAL + ammo that I didn't take, but did find some STANAG magazines. Crawled a bit closer to the north side of Vybor and a truck (UAZ two-door) rolls past me on the road a good distance away. I wanted to take a shot with my DMR but the grass was too high and I couldn't take it without exposing myself, so I thought better of it. I waited until he drove off and resumed crawling. About 30 seconds later, I hit the wall around that building on the north side, and a different truck rolls up (4-door military, looked like a HMMWV) DIRECTLY in front of me with three visible survivors inside. At first I think I'm hosed because they are driving right towards me, but then they stop, back up, forward, back up again, forward, so on, as if they were trying to find the perfect parking spot to go raid the heli crash. On the other hand, they were only ten meters from me at one point so I am fairly certain they saw me. I heard a shot and unloaded my DMR. I shot all three of them multiple times in the span of about five seconds. I could see survivors 'dumping' out of the truck. Then the death messages followed and I had three shiny new murders. I went prone, turned around, crawled for a few seconds, then crouched to get out of there... and then I started taking fire from seemingly all sides (but I couldn't actually locate any of the shooters.) A few seconds later I was dead. Still, I think I had a pretty good run with that DMR, all things considered :D
  8. I haven't played since the new patch and hotfixes dropped, but my old respawn tactics should still be relevant. It went something like this. 1. Spawn at coast. Guess my approximate location to the best of my ability. 2. Check the Chernarus map I always have up on my second monitor. 3. Locate the nearest barn and run to it. 4. ???? 5. PROFIT (Maybe find Winchester and/or food and/or soda and/or hatchet/hunting knife.) 6. Repeat steps 3 through 5. I tend to do this for at least a few hours until I have plenty of low-to-mid-tier supplies before heading northwest to tackle Stary Sobor and the airfield. I guess with the new spawn rules (no morphine, etc.) this won't work as well as it has in the past, but I will adapt my playstyle.
  9. Cool, and thanks! But honestly, after speaking with people in this thread and knowing that I'm not alone, I feel like I want to play again. I think I'll log back in tomorrow :D
  10. SineDeviance

    My 2 cents

    I'd like to say that I agree with just about everything you've said. Players should have more in-game options to handle various situations besides simply running, attempting to hide, or fighting. Same goes for 'secure' storage and prone issues. I think that instead of having a totally thief-proof storage, there should be simple locks, keys to those locks, and lockpicks or objects that can be used to pry or bash a container open in the game. Mil-spec zombies do (or did) drop mil-spec magazines on occasion, particularly Glock 17 and AK variant magazines. They also drop chemlights and bandages. Police zeds tend to drop ammo for higher-tier civilian weapons, like the Winchester 1866 shotgun.