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Everything posted by robertrea2004

  1. robertrea2004

    zombies detection problem

    before these updates, I could crawl through a town or city without getting detected. but now I get detected when crawling no matter what. I was far from a zombie and I was crawling and it seemed to start running for some reason and went towards me. how could it detect me from so far of a distance. I would understand if it was close to me, but this zombie was far from me. with this detection and no beginner pistol, its very difficult. I mean once a zombie runs after you, you might aswell restart. I was about 20 metres away from the zombie. I would hope this can be fixed at the next update.
  2. robertrea2004

    zombies detection problem

    just wanted to make sure you seen this ok. thats why I bumped. so hopefully this could get fixed during next update.
  3. robertrea2004

    zombies detection problem

  4. im not playing this game until they bring back the weapon you get at the start. bandits have the upper hand now. people that made this mod, basically updated the mod, for you have no weapon, no food, no drink and no ammo, and bandits now have easy targets, whats easier, shoot someone that has a gun or someone that has no gun. they updated this mod like this because they thought, it would make survivors work together more, but unfortunely it ain't working. all they did was made it more difficult for us survivors.
  5. robertrea2004

    beginning weapon

    hey, I would advise you to put back the pistol with a few mags at the start when you just spawned at the beach again. because I am saying this, you have just made it easier for bandits to kill you. at least when I had a hand gun I could protect myself against bandits. it isn't the best defence but at least it was something. now bandits can just wait at the beach with a weapon, wait for you to spawn and knowing you have nothing, but a flashlight, bandage and painkillers. easy pickings. also you have made the zombies spot you more that it was before. I used to be able to go through any town without getting caught by any zombie. because I crouched all the time. but now I can't seem to get into a town without a zombie spotting me. and once a zombie comes after you, there is no way to out run them. try out running them without a pistol. you have just totally ruined the fun out of this game. it has got so boring. it was almost boring at the start when I have just a pistol and a few things but now, I feel like I couldn't be arsed playing. as you have removed a basic weapon and food and drink. you made the game way too difficult. specially when bandits can just kill you when you just spawned. removing the weapon ain't going to make people work together. it just made it easier for bandits and harder for the surviors, specially when a zombie comes after you. please no harsh coments.
  6. 1. Scoreboard is missing. 2. My character is invisable in 3rd person view. 3. I have spawned in the middle of a forest middle of no where since I logged in after the update. I was in polana and I have a broken bone. 4. I respawned to start over since I was placed in a forest, I have no knowledge of where I am, and when I did start over, which killed me. I respawned in middle of a field, there wasn't any forests, rivers, sea, roads, buildings, train tracks, just completely empty field. (Still no scoreboard and invisable character in 3rd person view)