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About legendary_strawberry

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  1. legendary_strawberry

    Alt F4

  2. legendary_strawberry

    Side effects of Murdering

    Sorry i dont like this idea at all! hahahahahhaha some killers are perfectly fine with the psych and dont get all 'Deeper into the red, visual hallucinations" .
  3. legendary_strawberry

    Alt F4

    My idea is that if someone alt-F4's out of the game his character should remain in game until you re-log, this is the ultimate consequence in using this EXPLOIT, as for the disconnecting use a simple timer simple as that! This would easily fix these problems! Looked for alt-F4 threads couldn't really find one so this is my idea good or bad?
  4. legendary_strawberry

    Server hoppers in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen server

    Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! maybe maybe!
  5. legendary_strawberry

    Scripters on FR#18

  6. legendary_strawberry

    Dedicated servers/ Trusted Players

    Dear Rocket, I have found out a way to get rid of all this Admin power abuse. Host your own servers!!! XOXOXOXO, Legendary_Strawberry But in all profuseness you really need to host your own SERVERS(this will insure us{all your fans/followers/game lovers that will eventually buy this game} fairness throughout the game, and i know there is reasons why you let other people host, but once you give man power they will abuse. Just imagine you have 2 vehicles 4 tents filled with items and you get ransacked, or they lose a car because it has been stolen with few click of the mouse they can get it all back!!!! and they will, this needs to be stopped!!!!!!!! I know hosting your own servers is troublesome but i mean give it a thought(im pretty sure you have), but maybe instead just make your criteria harsher on hosting. and maybe hire(for free/people willing to advise servers you lend out) to look over these servers and take in comments to keep the admins in check. Nothing ruins a game like cheaters, at least hackers have to work for there cheats(which means less of them) but when you have 1 ADMIN and 10-20 plus clan mates you now have possibly 21 cheaters. I just feel like this should be addressed alot harsher then it is now! thanks for your time, Legendary_Strawberry
  7. legendary_strawberry

    This is why survivors get killed so much!

    Hahahhaha they're just butt hurt dude! nice shots btw!
  8. legendary_strawberry

    LA4 Making up fake servers rules and threatining to bann users

    WOW! first of all you can't ban people for using there mic on the Global chat even though its not supposed to be there, but ROCKET has specific rules you can be band for and everything else goes!!!!!! TO my knowledge the only real ban-able offences are Racism and Hacking
  9. legendary_strawberry

    [PROOF] LU41 spawning APACHE helos and execessive ammo

    WOW if this isn't evidence for an investigation to check the server logs then i don't know what is!!!!!!
  10. legendary_strawberry

    Give Tents/Vehicles Inventory Space Counters

    Nobody wants to use a calculator to figure out how much space they've got left in their tents... LMFAO exactly......... wait wait bandit dude at my camp let me bust out my TI-82 and check how much space i have left after adding said items, plz dont shoot me until then!
  11. legendary_strawberry

    PvP a solution that everyone can be happy about!

    " Clearly the original intent WAS PvE with the possibility of dying by PvP." WOW JUST WOW!!!!!!! you will never know what the original intent was because you are not a Dev!!!! and first of all get used to PVP..... if a real Apocalypse was among us do you not think it would be like this???? people will shoot and ask questions later its about surviving!!!!! not lets be friends
  12. legendary_strawberry

    Tent city levelled.

    yeah because everything the community has suggested has been put into the game.