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About Zantetzuken

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  1. Hacker called donttazemebro, used a hak which caused all players to enter the "thunderdome", with an AS50, and forcing all players to fight each other. on respawning player lost all their gear, and some died instantly.
  2. Zantetzuken

    Post your favorite/best survival tip

    #19 learn to use toggle sprint and toggle freelook like a master! This WILL save your life, or at the very least, look around corners in 3rd person.
  3. Unfortunately yes you do have a chance of being knocked uncon uder 9k blood, but i do agree something needs to be done about the triple hur dur dur animation bug thing.
  4. Zantetzuken

    Bleeding Out-

  5. Zantetzuken

    More civi weapons + weapon condition

    More civvie weapons would take the form of more melee based/scavenged junk type equipment imo. If people really feel there is a problem with military grade hardware being too available, there is one effective solution I believe: Strictly limit the ammo supply. You'd get fewer DMR Sniper campers around Cherno and Electro if they had to run all the way back to the airfields to restock ammo I reckon, plus it'd be a huge time sink for them. True they might just switch to enfileds, but at least they'd lose the scope! :P
  6. Zantetzuken

    Body Armor

    +1 on the body armor idea. Gives me something else to look for, plus it can add to the decision between either a kevlar helmet, or nvgs/binocs/rangefinder?? Real world implementation is a must of course, by that i mean, body armor is bullet resistant, NOT bullet proof. thereby making it an advantage, but not an overall huge one.
  7. Zantetzuken

    Hunting Cameras

  8. So wire citys are due to a duplication exploit then? Didn't know that but it makes sense... Tbh, the introduction of bear traps needs to be done correctly, the main issue being that, at the minute, broken bones are a bit of a frustrating game ender forcing you to either crawl through dangerous areas to find morphine, or respawn as your area has no morphine options, all because you had a lapse in concentration whilst clearing a building or area. I do like the broken bones mechanic, and would like to see bear traps introduced, however, I think that its not going to have the intended effect that people think, in that many believe it'll be an excellent protection for snipers who are getting snuck up on. It won't be. The best form of sniper protection is fieldcraft, which is already in place and being used VERY effectively by a lot of players. Bear traps would only help campers who will wait around corners until they hear the sound of the trap being taken down, only to pop round and shoot you in the head.
  9. Zantetzuken

    6.2 %

    Well, I think we are all in agreement here that is just whiners going on about the whole "ZOMG EVERYONES A BANDIT"!! When in reality it is just plain bad luck, or stupid decisions made by that player! Been playing for about a week now, and have died to bandits 4 times, 3 of which were in major cities like cherno. Now I will say this has made me paranoid to a degree, butit has NEVER made me rage when they've killed me, as I'm really just not that bothered cause its gonna happen at some point in the game. Now broken bones from trying to crawl through doorways.. THATS something that needs a nerf/fix/smacking with the code hammer!
  10. Zantetzuken

    Blood etc

    Agreed +1 The introduction of a "minor" regen system would help those frustrating times where you've taken enough damage, just by chance, to be below 9000. So the next hit will probably knock you out, effectively ending your game as you take damage you can't really recover from if you are on your own, even though you started the fight with nearly 75% health :s Keeping the regen rate low and tying it to the current hunger and thirst systems is a good idea as it emphasizes them as having a purpose, rather than arbitrary bars that need to be kept happy! As for the use of food as "health packs", tbh I do this, but they're pretty crap health packs that are hard to acquire for a number of reason including; drop rate, location luck, danger in scavenging, and also bag space.
  11. Zantetzuken


  12. Zantetzuken

    Spawn inland!

    Ii think one of the overlooked advantages spawning on the beaches gives, is a sense of direction. With the starting resources being so limited as is, at least one can use memory or even a googled map online to find out were you are and were you would like to head. Can you imagine the frustration of spawning, being told you are near Bor, and thtas it??.... Wandering the forest, trees everywhere, not the foggiest clue where you are going? At least with the beaches you can assume whih direction is North, and plan your journey form there.. But i do agree though that some more variation in the spawns needs to be looked at, cause I've only had the game for 5 days and i pretty much know kamenka, komarovo, and Prigorodkyn like the back of my hand!
  13. Zantetzuken

    This game fucking blows...

    Zombies... Is there anything they CAN'T do?!!!!