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Adam (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Adam (DayZ)

  1. Okay, this has already been answered on the FAQ, and on other threads. The day/night cycle is directly linked to the local time of the host machine, and there are no plans to change this. Thread closed.
  2. Adam (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.4

    Guys, there's a suggestions forum for a reason...
  3. Adam (DayZ)

    Game locks on map load

    Connections are already terminated if there is no activity.
  4. Adam (DayZ)

    They hate concrete

    This happens on all piers and is a limitation in the ArmA2 AI engine. Nothing we can do about it.
  5. Adam (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.4

    Its with the way that the model-change works with the connection to the database, meaning that it needs more careful consideration.
  6. You loose a LOT more than you gain from killing/bandaging.
  7. Adam (DayZ)

    Use Lingor Map?

    We have much more pressing things to implement at the moment, perhaps in future.
  8. Adam (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.4

    Right, little problem that testing did not raise. Rolling back to 1.3.3 for now.
  9. The Coyote Backpack isnt the default pack.
  10. You will get +ve humanity for +ve things, like bandaging or administering drugs or blood.
  11. Adam (DayZ)

    Life Ending Events

    There have been a few gear/health bugs along the way, and we have also had a few database issues aswell. Being an Alpha, we do expect there to be issues, and in the future, once the mod has been released as a final release(still a LONG way off), there will be a character reset. All I can do is apologise for the lost gear and characters.
  12. The humanity system will only provide a visual change to the players character model at the moment, so no stat disadvantage will be implemented. Also, humanity can go up as well as down, so someone who kills other players can redeem their humanity level.
  13. The moon is already implemented, but (like the sun) raises and lowers at different times of night, offering a differing amount of light.
  14. 1. This is something that we are aware of, and are working on. 2. There are no current plans to change the 12/12 cycle that we have at the moment.
  15. Adam (DayZ)

    EU Servers...

    The in-game time is synced directly to the time of the machine that the server is running on, and is not something that we can change im afraid, there are also no plans to change the 24h cycle.
  16. Adam (DayZ)

    Receiving data...

    Can you join other servers, or does this happen on them all?
  17. Adam (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Howdy! Im Adam (t3rminalVel0city in game) and I am the Webmaster for DayZ. You might also get me if you email in with any queries or issues.