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Everything posted by miragexl

  1. miragexl

    Am i the only..

    Admin who saw the bans.txt file and burst out laughing? Thanks to whoever put those reasons down; made my day.
  2. miragexl

    Why you shouldn't buy a SERVER

    Some hosters wont allow time change. It feels a little more secure when im on my server with my clan Example: Someone hacks - bring down the server ASAP.
  3. Someone spawned on me not so long ago with 1k + zed kills and wouldn't die when i sprayed them with a mk48 yet they one shot me. Hackers are just pussies behind a desk.
  4. miragexl

    It's 9AM GMT. Are helicopters in yet?

    All servers need to be updated before they update the vehicles via the hive.
  5. miragexl


    Where is the file with the 'hackers' scripts. Had someone bomb our server and Im not the owner but a admin and havn't had a chance to talk to the admin yet as we are in opposite time zones. Thanks
  6. miragexl


  7. miragexl


    Ah right thanks for the help; shame i can't do anything to counter these guys.
  8. miragexl


    // //1 "player addAction" //already covered by addAction 1 "player action" 1 "vehicle player setPos" 1 "vehicle player setPosASL" 5 "(vehicle player) addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "player addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "attachObject player" 1 "(vehicle player) setPos" 1 "(vehicle player) setPosASL" Still not proof?
  9. miragexl


    So that previous obviously wasn't supposed to be there script is not reportable?
  10. miragexl


    My scripts.log just says //new
  11. miragexl


    That is the scripts.txt
  12. miragexl


    5 Bo_Mk82 1 htelepos 1 Teleport 1 Trigger !"call BIS_fnc_inTrigger" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_sceneCreateSceneTrigger' || false) then {" 5 aa12 //5 Alex //triggers at locALEXec, useless anyway 5 Alexenderp$ck 5 Alexenderpack 5 azp85 5 bomblauncher 5 teled 5 Troopman 5 Troopmon 5 U-NO- 5 gau 5 Gerk 5 "God mode" 5 GodMode 5 hacks 5 Infammo 5 "Infinite Ammo" 5 InfiniteAmmo 5 Killplayer Is that proof?
  13. miragexl


    HFB US 1030
  14. miragexl

    Bug or hack?

    logged into a server just now just to see little circles around all players and zombies the players had green and the zombies had white. Re-logged same thing happened again; Got 2 kills in two seconds of logging in then i got shot my silent sniper Now fraps didn't record for some reason but if it's a cheat i'll go back and record footage. Just wanted to know if the circles where bugs or hacks?
  15. miragexl

    Tom Berenger has a lot to answer for

    I only use a sniper if my clan needs the over-watch numbers. Most of the time im running around cherno with an axe hatching people.
  16. miragexl

    A way to spice up DayZ endgame.

    You'd be surprised on a clan home server; my clan GRT would normally go into Cherno and make enough noise that the opposing clan will come fourth and then we have a 3 hour-long fire fight until one team is all dead. Unofficial of course.
  17. Can anyone just message or type below a quick tutorial for Rcon, Can't seem to get it working. Couldn't find the BE file within config; also hosting with HFB Much appreciated. - Morgan
  18. We do operations like heading to elektro and helping noobs while killing bandits.
  19. miragexl

    Robberies the new thing?

    There was 24 there on the mission. The others must have been close by.
  20. miragexl

    Robberies the new thing?

    Also we are currently taking applications.
  21. Thanks to all who applied so far. Applications are still open.
  22. miragexl

    Robberies the new thing?

    You guys realize that there is an animation for the frag grenade? It's not hard to run away from.
  23. miragexl

    Robberies the new thing?
